Is there a way to move a workspace tab between any other tabs instead of putting it at either end with the “Reorder to Front/Back”?
I have many tabs and all I found to properly reorder them is to use those buttons many times just to get one tab moved where I want.
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Here we are in mid-2022 and Blender devs still can’t find time to allow easy reordering of Workspaces. We also still can’t import/export workspace layouts directly, like every other DCC can. Shouldn’t need to find an addon. We have to Append from other Blender files and save as Default Scene. Devs are working on unneeded stuff like real time compositing versus basic quality of life features like workspace functionality, or even the ability to reorder items in a collection, eg want cube.001 to be ABOVE cube in a collection but Blender developers think it’s unnecessary, although moving things around in layers/groups in other applications have been there for decades. Can’t fix that with a paid add-on. Priorities?