Movement sensor in Python

I tried to write a script that is able to do all what the “Movement sensor” does but to no success.
Please if you can do it, a help from you will be appreciated.
Thanks :blush:

I got the problem too , I fail when I try to test the code from official document to move actor via python script, and then I try to do ‘import bge’ in blender scriping console, it tell me no moulde name bge.
need help too.

UPBGE 0.3+ ships with a Python Component script template for mouse look:

You can also use the Mouse Look logic node if you don’t wish to use Python or Logic Bricks:

Ain’t talking about mouse sensor dude

Ahh, my mistake.

There’s no “native” module to my knowledge for joystick movement functions, but there the Python-side of the Movement sensor available. You’ll still need a Movement sensor for the Python code to work though.


Thanks for trying.:sweat:
But i still don’t know how to use it in script/code form

What exactly are you trying to accomplish with code for your joystick?

I want to be able to check if an object has moved in a given axis and then play an animation. The animation is different according to the axis the object moved

Ahh… I seem to have again misunderstood your post. You can check if and which movement an object is moving towards by checking its linear velocity:

import bge

def main(self):

This will print all 3 location axis’s (Location, Rotation, Scale).

You can also restrict the checking of an individual axis, e.g. Check for the x-axis only.

Check a individual axis using a function method

import bge

def main(self):

Check a individual axis using a list index

import bge

def main(self):

Thank you😊

import bge

cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
own =cont.owner

if 'x' not in own:
    own['x'] = own.worldPosition.x

    diff = abs(own.worldPosition.x)
    if diff > min_move:
        own["moving"] = 15
        own['x'] = own.worldPosition.x 

Whats min_move

You define it,

The smallest amount of movement that will trigger it

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There is a problem. The code works fine only if the object physics isn’t “Character” but my object has “Character” physics.

Then use the KX_CharacterWrapper function walkDirection instead:

import bge


def main(self):
    bge.constraints.getCharacter(self.owner).walkDirection = [0,0,0]
    if bge.logic.keyboard.inputs[].active:
        bge.constraints.getCharacter(self.owner).walkDirection = [0,VAR_SPEED,0]
    if bge.logic.keyboard.inputs[].active:
        bge.constraints.getCharacter(self.owner).walkDirection = [0,-VAR_SPEED,0]
    if bge.logic.keyboard.inputs[].active:
        bge.constraints.getCharacter(self.owner).walkDirection = [-VAR_SPEED,0,0]
    if bge.logic.keyboard.inputs[].active:
        bge.constraints.getCharacter(self.owner).walkDirection = [VAR_SPEED,0,0]

It seems even good old Monster didn’t realize this you could use that function that particular way:

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