
Does anyone have any scripts for movement? The sort of movement I am trying to achive is FPS style movement where you choose your direction with the mouse and move with the arrow keys/wsad. Ctrl for jump. I have tried using the logic bricks in the blender game engine but the movement is really bad because their is no mouse component. Does anyone have any scripts that I could use that would allow me to use the controlls described above?

Help appreciated,
Thanks. - There are a nice one there:D

Thanks :smiley:

Search for FPS in this forum.

Look in the resources to see if there are any that suit your needs:

Check out this wip game, download it:

Search for mouse or mouse look here too.


I’m looking for the view where you see the back of the character, any help?

Ummmm, just move the camera to behind your character and move to camera mode. You’ll have to parent the camera to your character tho.

I am quite new to this, I can move the camera behind my character then what do I do? I am wanting the mouse to choose the character’s direction and the arrow keys to move forward and backwards and strafe left and right.

Thanks for helping

Select the player, and then the camera. Now press Ctrl + P and make parent:D

Thanks, but what did he mean when he said camera mode?

0 on ur num pad

What does it do? I have done what you say i think (although do i click the character first then the camera when setting up parent object or the other way round)? But it does nothing.

Thanks for your help so far.

I still have the camera problem. ButI have got the guy to turn left way by moving the mouse (in any direction) but i can’t get him to turn right. The settings in the logic bricks are ///Sensor: Mouse - movement ///Controller - none ///Actuator Motion d Rot y axis.
I was wondering if anyone could direct me to some python scripts (for the controller?) that could help resolve this.

Okay. First, to just get a little look at what you are doing. make a cube. set the logic bricks so that the forward key makes him move y+0.1. Make it so that Left and Right make him turn: rot Z-0.10, Z 0.10. Then Select the camera, and then hold shift and right click the Cube. Hit ctrl+P and then hit P. You should now to able to move the character. It should not look like you are moving the cube. Go back into Blender and make a floor. Then if you hit P again, you should see that you are actually moving around. You need to master this technique before you make an FPS, because if you don’t get those steps down, you will be very frustrated. I might want to write a tutorial on different types of movement. Good Luck.

Have you followed any of GE tutorials? There is on in the wiki at

And a bunch of faqs here:

You say none for the controller? So you dont even use an ‘and’ controller? You need to connect the sensor with the actuator with something.

You are looking for a 3rd person camera, do a search for it here and in resources. There are many available to choose from.

One way to learn for this forum is to just go through and read the posts. Many will not make sense to you. Thats ok. When you run into the same thing you will remember reading about it here and can come back and find it.

It gets boring, thats true. But little by little you will ‘get it’. Perhaps start with the threads in the resources first?

Thanks for the tips i managed to fix the camera problem.
I will have a look at the available scripts later, thanks for the help.

You are welcome, glad you got it working.Smile.

Ok, all the scripts I have found so far have been for 1st person shooters(or not what I was looking for). Mine is a 3rd person game, does anyone know of any scripts that I can use that have a 3rd person view? I took a look at the 3rd person template on this site but I dont want the camera to move like that, I just want it stationary behind the guy. So basically i just want a script that rotates the guy right when you move your mouse to the right and left when you move it to the left.

I’ve got a template that I’ll post in a little while.

Oh great thanks

Hey. Here is the Basic Template of what I do. This is based on the one at Here it is!