moving several meshes with one armature?

I’m trying to move several meshes with one armature but I don’t know how to connect more than one object to an armature?

I have created my skeleton and groups and then selected a mesh to be connected to an armature, go to edit mode select all the vertices and assign them to a group. The it is not possible to assign other meshes to the same group.

Is this possible or not? If it is how do you do it?

Best regards

I’ve done it. It’s pretty easy. Just treat each mesh like it is the only one you’re going to attach, i.e. assign all of your vertex groups, one mesh at a time. When you’re done, make each mesh a child of the armature, one at a time. Blender will properly deform all correctly-named vertex groups in whatever meshes the armature is parented to.

Alternatively, you can Join your meshes, then work on them all at once.