MP7 Tutorial + Timelapse


I created this in blender with the intention of creating a tutorial out of it. The whole model was done in roughly 32 hours. Texturing was also done inside of blender using its nodes and texture paint capabilities. The tutorials should be going up in parts in the coming days. The model will be up on sketchfab on the 28th because I don’t have any upload tokens right now.
3 4k texture sets.

Edit: The first part of the tutorial is out


Part 1

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Part 2:

I’ll upload more tomorrow

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Parts 3-8 are now live.

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Up to parts 13 are now on YT.

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nice work as always!

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Thank you. All the videos are now up on this playlist

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btw nothing new about the pro textures?

I show how their made in the tutorial let so… let me see if i can find a timestamp.

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i mean that you were gonna release them paid/free in gumroad

I wasn’t planning on selling anything but here the timestamp if you want to know how i created them.

22:00 I start explaining how to create procedural noises up until like 25 minutes in.

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