larger image here
Rendered in cycles.
The “making cartoon-eyes tutorial” I looked at way back in 2006 -building eyes with latices- helped with this project.
I can post a link to the blend if enough people are interested.
larger image here
Rendered in cycles.
The “making cartoon-eyes tutorial” I looked at way back in 2006 -building eyes with latices- helped with this project.
I can post a link to the blend if enough people are interested.
I’d love a blend. Is it rigged?
Lovely character! I like the materials and light so +1 for the .blend here
I’m new at rigging, so if you think you can rig it better, the original file is on the Scene : backup-original . (by all means, go for it!) . The mouth opens and closes, and there are bones in the eyes , arms , claws, and feet. The eyes move when you rotate the white part or grab /scale /rotate the black eye part.
The AO and lighting also changed a wee bit in the new scene, so… you might want to take a look at that.
Here is the rigged file
Have fun!
Thank you for the little guy! He is not exactly rigged, but rather ‘boned’, but it works! I’ve played a bit with the scene and I really love it! I hope it will get a rig it deserves.