Everything done in blender. Hope you like it. Take in mind that I’m a beginner
Of corse constructive critique is welcome.
Put me to shame…
Yeah, fun ideas and great execution. Excellent work masluch!
great ideas, some audio would really make it come to life
I like the gear, its funny
wow i didn’t think that you’d like it so much. thanks
It looks really nice, but as someone stated above, Some Audio would really improve the video.
When I was working on it I was aware that audio would improve it but I never intended to put some music into it in the first place. The reason for that it was realized only for placing on a website, and I belive that music on a site playing on opening is not a good idea. Besides our client which supposed to wath this animation are mainly companies. I know that people don’t ussually have speakers in their company’s computers (at least in my country) so it’s pointless to insert audio and music in the project which would also increase the time needed to complete the animation.
But maybe I should reconsider it and remake it, adding some music even just for my own satisfaction
I’m still not sure though, becouse when I start thinking about an animation music is one of the first thing that I take into consideration. It’s crucial to add appropriate music to your work. I worry that if I make it after completing the movie it would be unnatural and fake. Have to think about it a bit more .
p.s sorry for too looong post
You’re a beginner??? I’ve seen so-called “experts” whose work wasn’t as funny or creative or well done. Outstanding!
Though I made some small animations this one is my first animation featuring my first 3d character. That’s why I"m so proud, and feel almost like a father … snif snif
All the animation modeling rigging was done by my so that’s another thing which is giving me lot’s of satisfaction - making it all the way to the end. Only the rig was made with some great help of my friend. He is responsable for the main idea of the rig which is in fact quite clever taking in mind that this character doesn’t have a normal human-like figure.
I put below some jpg’s to illustrate it better and when I’ll have some time I maybe even record some video to show his moving capabilities (I think you would like it).
The pictures are frome an early stage model without any materials on it. I also tweaked the rigg itself by adding a move bone which moves the whole character. (I don’t have the finished file with me at the moment so sorry for that)
pleas remove this post I have some problems in doing that myself. Maybe some one knows how to do it… is this thing on ? … <puf,puf,puf> <ashamed>