
yes but you can advect velocity for each “new object”
But my only idea is animated hidden object under a parent to make it less choastic

there will be a solution for this :slight_smile:
don’t worry!!
but for now I will implement the mesher as it is,the vector fields will be implemented after a while

for UVs,now we don’t have UV for this mesher,will try to attach a UV “sticker” after the basic implementation

So, is it a only-cache-files solution as far?

there may be better cache in the future (when I learn how Blender reads data,currently main problem is Blender data itself :D)

I can for example use Alembic import and export for data,but how to make Blender understand that one object can have variable data per frame!!

to be clear about the state of the mesher now:
everything is ready to go,only obstacle is the interface!!!(I’m noob at creating interface :S)

You can use modal timer to check if frame change and load the right cache for this frame ?

explain more Pyroevil as I will use somefeature like this to load cache
give me code example :smiley: as I’m not very professional in Python yet

I’m not a python professionnal too but I can explain what I’m thinking.
If you check in the template script in Blender , you have a example on a “modal_timer”.
So from that you can make a check everytime the timer is reached if the current have been changed compare to the last time it’s be checked.Store in a variable the current frame everytime so you can check if the “stored last current frame” and the real current frame match or not. If not match it’s because the frame are change , and from that load a new OBJ ( and delete the old). Not sure is the optimal way to did it.

great tip :smiley:
this is exactly one of the things that I would do (was thinking of frame change pre append operator) but I think this may be better

great work! to start with. Can this MsMesher run on animation? or particle system over several frames? Would love to have it :slight_smile: doing fluid sim and quickly realizing it takes way to long to even get half decent result.

Particle System, with fluid solver and just enough particles would do it for me. But can’t assign metaballs to particles. Your Mesher would be really handy.

if your happy with about 10’000 particles you can try the Particle Fluid Tools until the MSMesher is finished…

Good points what it should be able.

well,as I’m still trying to develop a connection between interface and my code
the main features till now:
a fast mesher to do mesh for any particle system (no children,just primary particles)

possible feature:
do a list that will contain meshing smooth algorithms (like 10 or more algorithms which can be mixed)

possible feature after that:
do a “stick texture” option for the output mesh (will be using vertex colors)

just I’m very busy to do things right now,all of these things may take a day or two if O have time

calling for a tester right now!!
any one who got windows 7(or 8) 64 bit and blender2.66(or above) 64 bit PM me now (prefer that he doesn’t have visual studio installed so I know all missing DLLs)

Where can I download it?

still calling for a tester!!
PM me,I’m releasing tonight and need to test it before release :slight_smile:

dll’s make me start to fear… :wink: will this work on osx/linux???

till now it is only for windows 7/8 64 bit …will try to make a compile for linux soon (in like 2 weeks or something till I understand how to do this)

but from here,I’m calling any one who IS DEVELOPING in the source code of blender (they are many) to contact me directly so this mesher can be in the trunk instead of being an addon

and I mean by “anyone” a one who is professional in C++ (at least to know how to compile such a headache library like OpenVDB) and he will know his way with the source code …I need one from those who develop in the site :smiley:

if anyone reading this know one of them please tell them about this addon , I’m making a video tutorial and uploading soon

As I said in the PM. I have a nice scene to test, send the addon and I’ll report the results.

i have a 560 ti and a 460 v2 i can test it on

woot :slight_smile:
it is finished xD
trying now to make a video tutorial and uploading files

here is the link!!
till I upload a tutorial go play with it :smiley:
make a simple particle system…make size factor to 10 to see results then test as u want