MSN messenger (anyone use it?)

My MSN handle is in my profile, like everyone elses. I’ve used ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, Skype, and Netmeeting at different times (I’ve had the internet for 8 years now) but now mostly just AIM and MSN where all of my friends are. Sometimes I get on Yahoo but only three people I know use it and one of them lives a block away.

Whan they use a real interface toolkit I’ll give it a try again.

Shhhhhhhh, but wouldn’t it be nice :wink:

its the first competition on the net i have ever in my life seen that can be entered by anyone in the world.


Whan they use a real interface toolkit I’ll give it a try again.

on windows, there isnt anything that looks good, because windows sux, but then again who likes that cutsey bull**** that microsoft shoves at you. just get past the fact that it looks crappy, it will work better.

Yeah… Yeah… I entered a week or two ago, and I highly doubt that I’ll win. I just want that laptop, the PSP isn’t all that important to me (although, still would be nice to get one).