MSN messenger (anyone use it?)

Hey guys, i just downloaded Messenger plus (addon for MSN) a few weeks ago

and it seems pretty sweet. i have way to many MSN contacts, and i think heaps of them have either deleted me from their list, or don’t use MSN anymore. so i was looking for somthing that could tell me what people ever turned up on MSN (to work out who i could delete)

it has heaps of other pretty sweet things which MSN doesn’t normally have, and you can now turn off the MSN adverts (wooohoo i hate those things)

so if you want to get it download it from Here

Beware read the install options carefully to avoid being disapointed

lots of people have been giving MSGplus a bad rep as spyware because they have not read the install. there is a clearly marked option allowing you to install their “sponsors” program (to help keep the software free), you DO NOT NEED TO INSTALL IT. the sponsors program is adware, so will be classed as spyware by lots of software.

so do not install the sponsors program and you will be pleasently suprised. its good software and is free. without any spyware or anything you would think was negative. if you talk to other people on MSGplus you get more features to interact with them.

have fun people


I’ve had msn messenger for years, however I’ve built up alot of friends that use either Yahoo or ICQ etc, Therefore I’ve moved to Miranda. It supports all major messengers and is Open Source - so there’s a gazillion addons and ways to customize it. You can rake a look at it here.

Gaim. its all i use, and i tried msn messenger today, because one of my friends was trying to use one of the cutsey features that get in the way of chatting, and was dissapointed when it didnt work, but when i installed messenger it didnt work either, so i found myself a new toy to hate! microsoft has a tendancy to do that.

Another great opensource msn app is amsn.

I use msn quite a bit, but I haven’t used microsoft’s proprietary messenger for quite a few years. Then again I haven’t run windows for quite a few years, LOL.



I use to have MSN but now I’m with Skype. Much better.

MSN is just another one of Microsofts monopolisation tactics. It comes pre-installed on the system, and de-installing is more difficult than removing an evil virus.

Skype let’s me audio-chat with my friends abroad and also allows me to make regular phone calls to any phone anywhere in the world at a very reasonable price.

Skype rules!

Switch to Trillian instead of MSN Messenger,


No, only Windows Messenger comes pre-installed and permenently disabling that is a matter of 5 clicks.

Give Microsoft some credit, they’re not all that evil.

Maybe “not all that” but about 80% evil :wink:


gaim or kopete.


MSN MSG 7.0 Beta…

lots of fuzzy stuff, but for focused people, there’s no pb.


I vote for Skype too. I personally use ichat but my dad uses Skype because he uses it for international calls and he says it’s pretty good. The computer to phone service he gets is sometimes noisy but it’s mostly fine. I don’t know of any other free, multi-platform, voice-chat software.

If I need to use multiple IM services, I have fire ( ).

years with msn,now i have MSN MSG 7.0 Beta.

trillian user here…


I tried out the 7.0 beta at school a few days back… I was really not impressed with their advertisments.

At home, all I’m using is GAIM.

you can remove them. :wink:

Trying to get that PSP and laptop, eh, Alltaken?

you can remove them. ;)[/quote]
Hmm… that’s enough reason for me to give it another chance sometime! Is it in the options somewhere or can they be removed only with the help of something like Messenger Plus?

I still think it was uncool of them to be added in the first place…

I use trillion… My msn’s [email protected] and my AIM’s vkgfx…

I like sex… and beer…

heh,nope its not in the options,its a little bit harder,you need to patch the .exe but its worth it no ads and advertisments.