Muliple objects random rotation with geometry nodes

Hi all,

Anybody that can help me with the following problem? I made a circle with points. A cube and a cylinder are attached to each point. Both objects follow the curve rotation. The cube (2) and the cylinder (1) are joined. Moreover, if the cube will rotate, the cylinder has to rotate as well.

Next, I want that each cube has a random rotation around the x-axis. For example, between -15 and +15 degrees.

So far so good. Next I want the cylinders to turn random in z-axis as well. Here is my problem. Each instances is equal. It is impossible to get a random movement in z-axis for each cylinder.

I want to create a group of figures, walking in a circle but each figure has to be random (head, arms, legs etc.)


You jointed the cube and the cylinder already before you randomly rotated them… if you want to rotate both indipendently then should thsi look more like so:

:thinking: …after posting this i see you want to somehow use the same random for X but another for Z… then you may use two random floats and combine the values to different rotation vectors (rX,0,0) and (rX,rZ,0)…

Thank you Okidoki. Correct, the nodes you suggested is not what I want to achieve. The cylinder is not “connected” to the cube anymore. When the cube rotates, the cylinder must rotate as well.

Any idea how I can achieve this (with a float node)?


Keep as separate instances and drive first random value by instance-point-ID (to ensure both instances get the same rotation) and rotate cylinder separately on instance selection.

Good luck.

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Thank you!