Multi-Player Chess

I would like to find some supporters for the Multi-Player Chess game I have designed and tested. A screen shot of the 4 man board. I have boards going up to 24 players at one board. Possible internet and open market distribution.

Any outside URLs to where contributing investors could be found, would be greatly appreciated!

that looks great
would love to play it when released :slight_smile:

Interesting :slight_smile:
How do the pieces move in that one?
It looks a bit like an attempt of mine doing diagonal chess. Though in that one, I had a problem where it was unavoidable to kill the king in, like, three moves, so it didn’t quite work…

I would like to get the release going, but have yet to find supporters to fund the expedition. I am considering going to the major gaming companies for a buy out, but would rather make more profit. Without supporters, it would be impossible to market it. I also wanted to incorporate into the web stream for online play. There is more money to be made in the open market than on the internet, but I have also considered that if a competion was held, with a sign up fee for the pot, then things wouldn’t look as dim for incoming profit.

The pieces all move the same as in chess, with one exception. Although there is much more involved in the game, one of those things being rules of engagement and checkmate. You can be put in checkmate, but you can continue to move your pieces as long as no one makes the killing move. If your King is taken from the board, then your game play has ended and your pieces left are all unmoveable/capturable pieces. There also is a way to choose a winner based on a points system for how many pieces you obtain throughout the game, instead of playing to the last King standing.

I was hoping to get more replies than two and maybe even some direction as to where to go to reach some supporters. Does anyone have a suggestion?

I would suggest starting at if you want to try going for financial support for your project. Probably the best place to start anyway.

Could you do a small tut-like top-down animation to show off gameplay?
Also, yeah, this is not art in sense of some sort of render but rather a pretty much new designed game independent of Blender, so Kickstarter might be a better place for it…

Thanks! I’ll check in to that within the next day or two!

I wish I could do some animation, but I am only 2 months or so into learning blender. I have a few things down, but still need much more practice to become proficient with working blender. The game play is rather the same as regular chess, with a few exceptions, all the pieces maintain the same movement pattern as in regular chess(with one exception). There are many other details that are too lengthy to get in to, except with someone who is going to be an investor.

The render was done in blender 2.59. I have the blend file, but haven’t got the specifics down pat as of yet on how to pack it with all the appends used. If I get the time I’ll go over the packing video tutorial and get it out for you to look into.