Regards to all!
I need community help.
I have the task of packing three textures on one UV map.
Textures are done in Substance Painter and now I need to make one of these three which I will use for three different objects.
The hacky way would be join objects,goto edit mode,then select all and pack your UVs.Then just separate by loose parts.Only works though,if each object isn’t comprised of multiple pieces,unless you wanna rejoin them after.The addon should work a little better,maybe you should try to figure out why it don’t work.
BTW you will need to save the items again,since UV would change.
The question is quite unclear, wrong terminology doesn’t help. The way I understood it is: you want to combine multiple texture maps onto one image.
One way to do it is to assign the separate texture maps on the materials of each object, edit their UV layouts of each to accommodate space on the UV area, and then bake them all on a new image. Also need to be sure to uncheck ‘clear’ in bake settings, so it keeps previously baked result.
There are ways to edit the UV layouts. One is to enable drawing of other objects in the UV/image editor, so it shows the UV layout of all selected objects and you can position them. Another way is to use an addon such as Texture Atlas, which combines the objects and you can edit the UV’s as one bunch, and it then separates them back once done.
UV map: 2D representation of 3D mesh coordinates
UV area: The space reserved for the UV coordinates in the UV editor
UV layout: The organization of UV coordinates on the UV area
Texture: In this context, material assigned texture, image or procedural, which combines settings, texture coordinates for mapping, and is connected to a material property
Texture map: An image that is prepared for controlling a specific material property. You’re showing one, an albedo map.
Maybe I’m tired and I can not see where I’m wrong.
Here are my steps.
In the node editor I put the texture image to material object. In edit mode everything fits nicely
as you see, but when I mark both objects and go to edit mode then I do not have a common texture just a black image and I do not know how to get a common texture
I had a problem getting multiple layouts to show up while Cycles was the active render engine. I either had to switch engines, or like in the video, not have material(s). Haven’t noticed that before.
There needs to be multiple UV maps so that the separate textures can use one, and the others are used for baking. Image nodes use UV’s by default, and the selection of those maps matter so it knows which is for existing textures and which is for baking. Like shown, it also matters for viewport preview.
Don’t forget to save any new and updated images in the UV/image editor. They won’t save with the .blend.
And no, I’m not a big fan of Cycles baking workflow
Man, thank you very much for your effort!
Once again, thank you so so much!
In the end, I was helped by the advice to use TextureAtlas addon and so I solve the problem.