Multiple Python Classes Interaction Problem

I have several classes’ instances. They are all using the same class. They all have a string parameter “id” and string parameter “joint”. The “joint” parameter’s value matches a string value of “id” parameter in one of other classes. I need to know how to obtain one parameter from a class which’s “id” parameter’s value is equal to current classe’s “joint” parameter.

Do you mean this?

class one:
    def __init__(self, id, joint): = id
        self.joint = joint

class two:
    def __init__(self, id, joint): = id
        self.joint = joint

obj1 = one(1, 2)
obj2 = two(1, 2)

if == and obj1.joint == obj2.joint:

I also noticed that “id” is reserved(or at least Atom is telling me that) and you better replace it with something else.

No. I have 1 class, but multiple instances of that class. All of the class instances are made in a loop and stored in list.
I see an option to do a loop in class, though.

for class in classlist:
    if = self.joint:
        self.joint_class = class

Must try out.

you either inherit the ‘id’ as an instance attribute or as class attribute that is technically shared among all instances

class ONE:
    myClsID = 1 # class attribute
    def __init__(self):
        self.myID = 2 # instance attribute

class TWO(ONE):# inherit from class ONE
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__()# run class ONE init
        print(self.__class__.myClsID, self.myID)

The class sounds like this:

class MyClass():
    def __init__(self, id): = id
        self.joint = joint

Sounds like an external assign of the values.

a = MyClass("a")
b = MyClass("b")
a.joint = "b"
b.joint = "a"

Is it that way? What happens when there is no “b” object?
Wouldn’t it be easier to refer to the object directly?

a.joint = b
b.joint = a

This way the referred object is present (or None).

You can’t obtain a parameter from a class as a class is a description of an object, not the object it describes.

It sounds you need either a registry of your objects, or a way to parse through your objects.

As you use strings to define your references I suggest to create a registry:

objectsById = {}

def register(object):
    objectsById[] = object

def get(id):
    return objectsById[id]

def demonstrateCreation():

def demonstrateSetup():
   a = get("a")
   b = get("b")
   a.joint = "b"
   b.joint = "a"

def demonstrateUsage():
   aJoint = get(a.joint) # as joint contains an id you need to ask the registry to get the object

The advantage of a registry is that you can easily access all objects, regardless if they have a connection or not.

Registry with direct links:

objectsById = {}

def register(object):
    objectsById[] = object

def get(id):
    return objectsById[id]

def demonstrateCreation():

def demonstrateSetup():
   a = get("a")
   b = get("b")
   a.joint = b
   b.joint = a

def demonstrateUsage():
   aJoint = a.joint # b is available without checking the registry.

You see the implementation of the registry is exactly the same.
But you can directly access the joint without looking at the registry.

I hope it helps somehow

Hi! No, I assign both objects(id and joint) on init of class. It’s when I create those classes in loop(looping through dictionary of data for them to use). I fixed this issue, however, by doing in next frame after class creation a for loop where I loop through a list of those classes and check if there is a class with id equal to current classe’s joint.

I suggest you follow monster’s advice. Create your classes first, then assign joints

id_to_instance = {}
id_to_join_id = {}

for some_id in some_id_sequence:
    instance = SomeClass(some_id)
    id_to_instance[some_id] = instance

for instance_id, instance in id_to_instance.items():
    joint_id = id_to_join_id[instance_id]
    joint = id_to_instance[joint_id]
    instance.joint = joint