multiple uv's for exporting

I see back in 2.41 release notes that the BGE can now use multiple UV sets per face. Is there an exporter that can export multiple UV sets?

Not openly available, Iv done one for our commercial format, so its possible but eventually Id like to add support for formats that allow it, like openflight,
see the UVLayer functions

ok man thanks for the reply. Collada is another one that supports multiple uv’s I think. I know you are working on a Quake 3 map exporter, too, which is an EXCELLENT idea, and could also benefit from having multiple uv’s (lightmaps). Thanks for all your hard work.

Not to forget the OGRE format. I heard rumours at the OGRE forums that they already have used an multi-uv exporter. Don’t know wether it has already been released. Just to avoid doublework.