Mushroom Dragon

Mushroom Dragon :mushroom::dragon:

Another one in my year of the dragon series, I present to you the lovely mushroom dragon! I’ve always enjoyed the forest fantasy creatures so this was a special treat to set up. Made with Blender/Cycles, hope you like him :blush:

Camera animation:


Thank you for taking a look and hope you’re having a great week!


Thank you so much for sharing your very cute dragons! They bring much cheer to my day!!! :smiley:

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I love your fantasy dragons, this is no exception, great job!

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@shannonz @JWC Thank you guys! I much appreciate the support :hugs: :heart:


Nice concept. :slight_smile:

For a moment I thought of tortoise.

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Very cute!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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@meetdilip @Angela_Marchesani Thank you so much guys! :smiling_face:

@bartv Thank you for the feature, always much appreciated! Have a great weekend! :smiling_face:


You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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lovely work !!
i tryed many times to achieve lighting system like this but i cant seem to do that ! though i watch countless of lighting tut

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that is a sweet little dragon, nice work!

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Lovely work!
And nice clean modeling too :+1: :slight_smile:

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Thank you Bart, much appreciated! Have a great week! :smiling_face:

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Thank you! I used couple of point lights and one area light in this scene. Area is basically a fill light, point for a backlight that creates that halo on the backdrop and point light from each side to enhance the edges. I’m far from being great at lights in Blender, but I’m happy how this one turned out too :smiley:

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@Walli @RobWu Thank you so much guys! :heart_decoration:

oh ok :slight_smile:
!!! i will try to see this trick of yours !!!
thank you !!

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