Musikai Games Launcher


here is my Games Launcher for 24 projects I’ve done in UPBGE 0.3.
It’s a mix of different 2d and 3d Games, Simulations, templates and demos I found useful.
Full UPBGE 0.3 is bundled and the Launcher can start the files in blenderplayer or in Editor.

Included Projects:

  • Adventurer
  • Alouette_II_Venice
  • Alouette_II_Xmas
  • Ball_joy_vWorld
  • CloudGame
  • Cuboid_Rotation_Game
  • FPS_Constraint19
  • GhostMaze
  • GravitationGame
  • Gyro_and_Heli_in_Drone-City
  • JumpStick
  • Kayak_Physics_Game
  • Kran
  • LaserReflect
  • Marble_and_Ball
  • Overtone-Synthesizer
  • PingPong
  • Rubik3
  • SailBoat_Physics_Game
  • SpringyBall
  • SuperGuepard
  • SuperGuepard_Venice
  • TunnelRacer
  • VolleyBallField

(Each project is set to open Fullscreen at 1920x1080. To change that open in Editor and save)

The Launcher itself is made with Godot 4 (Project source files also included)

Download for Windows (about 800mb):


Instead of the “Windowed”-checkbox there now is a drop-down-list for Screen-modes.


This allows (quick and dirty) overriding the Project-set mode:


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For the Linux Community here’s the same thing (with bundled UPBGE 0.36.1):

It was only tested in a VirtualBox-Linux-OS without hardware acceleration so please tell me if it works for you.



bro im asking is that game luncher for anygames

No, it’s only for my project collection.
But the Godot source for the launcher is also included if you want to make your own.

Tested on my pc where I installed linux mint. Everything works fine, I have not encountered any problems! :ok_hand:
I was wondering, why did not you create the launcher directly with upbge?

Hey, thanks for the feedback!! Really glad that it works because I was unsure.
Still don’t know how it would behave if there are 2 graphic cards and if UPBGE would choose with the better one by itself etc. but this is more of a project collection than a “Game release”.

I thought of using UPBGE for it but decided for Godot because:

  1. I wanted to become better in Godot
  2. I knew Godot has good GUI-elements
  3. I can easiliy export to nice tidied-up executable for different platforms
  4. GUI in UPBGE is quite hard to do. Even if using BGUI or similar.