My 1st Character Model in Blender

Here are a few renders of my 1st attempt at character modeling. The head, face and hands are modeled on myself except that the character is about 30 years younger and 70 pounds lighter LOL. The body is modeled from some reference images I found on the web.

I have made some rudimentary clothes. I have rigged the character with rigify. I need to rework the topology to reduce the verts before getting serious about animating.

This is a update of the progress so far.

Update to add a link to the completed music video using this model.

I will add a post in the completed section

Wish i could make characters to look at least like this.But maybe i would give him watches,glasses,and smoking, then it would be really really cool! What tutorial did you use? :slight_smile: Or you just tried the brushes?

Thanks Cergina.

I was following the blenderilla tutorials. I am working now to simplify the mesh where I can without sacrificing the details of the face and hands. I have played around with hair some but not yet ready for viewing. The grey colors for the hair, eyebrows and mustache are just place holders for the hair.

Here is a link to a walk cycle test using a simplified version of this character.

Here is an update of the Character in context. I am taking a break from the character and working on other assets.

I may be talking to myself here but… I have been working on the hair particle systems for this character. Here is a quick render of the progress so far.

I think that it is good. I like it. But what i learned from my plastic modeling that there are two ways how to get many comments on your model. Too bad/too good. I was having hard times in first group and i was really small. Now iam older, models are way better, but still not part of the second group. Iam really complicated at making choices. Blender,sport,it,family,plastic models,ships, (dreaming about acting) And still didnt made decision which way to go in my life. Blender made it even worse and complicated. Well, u cant be expert in everything. Wtf i talked here about? Sorry :slight_smile:

Thanks for the support and cometary Cergina. I was beginning to wonder if my stuff was that bad. LOL.

Here is another update.

I have completed the facial hair adding the eyelashes and reworking the eyebrows and the hair style. Still not happy with the hair style but I’m gonna let it be for now. I also added texture to the skin, iris of the eyes, changed the lip color and modified the pose to add a little life to it.

Here is an update: I have reworked the cheek, nose, neck, eye-color and hair. I have been working on creating the Shape Keys needed to animate the face. Here is a quick render I call “Hey Baby!”.

I haven’t looked into shape keys with my character yet, is it fun to work with? It’s been a loooong time since I last touched morph targets :smiley:

@Da3054 I watched a couple of training vids before starting on this. I seem to progress pretty slow because the graphic arts are a new pursuit for me. I would say that creating the shape keys is kind of fun because you can really mess up the face just to see what it looks like and easily start over if it goes really bad. Once several keys are created that work together its fun to try different facial expressions and see if they work.

I’m still not completely satisfied with my shape keys on the eyebrows so I may revisit them later. For me the sext step is to start creating the drivers and then attaching the bones to the drivers.

I plan to create an armature with the head bone as its root for the face. That way when I do this again I can reuse the face rig and just join it to the rest of the body rig that rigify creates.

Hopefully that will speed up the process. I still need to create a second character with this one as is basis for the main characters in my video. Then I think I will use the CookieFlexRig for any additional characters that don’t need as much detail.

I also need to create better clothes for both my main characters… script the video… create the rest of the assets… and the list goes on. At least it keeps me out of trouble LOL.

Good progress.

You might want to pay attention to the corner of the eyes and the general shape of the mouth.

I really like it, but i think you could do with a few imperfections on the skin, some blackheads, bit of stub around the chin, yellow the teeth a bit, some red eye. But if you were aiming for a less detailed model, then this is just perfect as far as I’m concerned.

Thanks KKar and Mjax.

This pose in intended to be an asymmetrical one sided smile. The eyes are not quiet completely closed is that what you are referring to about the eyes or is there something else that is bothering you about them KKar?

I have not decided how far I am going to take this toward realism. I need to get to work on cloths and the second copy of this so I can begin scripting and making the additional assets I need for my music video.

It’s looking pretty darn good so far tomtuko. The one thing I would say is I think you need to add a bit more deformation with the wink and smirk. in particular in the cheek/laugh line area. with a smirk and wink the laugh line will become more pronounced. I see you lowered the winking brow, but I think it might look a lil better if you made that more pronounced as well.

I can’t speak for KKar, but the eye corners might be a little too smooth. there’s usually a little overlap of the upper lid at the corners.

The blinking eye looks a bit strange but apart from that its really good for a start

I’ve tried to improve the smile line as well as the eyelids during a blink and the squint. Also worked on the eyebrows a bit.

My current project will only involve basic expression and animation so I am going to let this be for now. I need to make a duplicate of this character and modify several things… hair, skin color body type etc leaving the face basically the same. Then on to other assets fir the video. I did some scripting yesterday so I will have a better idea of the types of things I need to find or create moving forward.

Here is another face pose after the latest modifications. I call this one “put the coffee down and back away slowly.”.

I will probably revisit this guy to improve him for future projects as I have ideas for more videos and want to reuse as many assets as I can along the way.

I just completed the video project I created this character for. Thought I would post a link.