my biggest project yet

Alright I had this “vision” about a year or 2 ago sitting in Lit. class and I drew up a little scetch and have tried to model it a efw times before but never got the center part to look just right. Finally I got it to look kinda of how I want so here it is. Its called “No wheelchairs Allowed” (a working title though )

I was planning on finishing the stair case before I posted it but I am so anxios and excited about this model I just wanted to see what you all think. Now for a little info about the scene. There is exactly 300 stairs, so far I have done about 3 hours of work on it and the majority of it has gone to the stair case so far with about 5 min into some simple texturing. I plan on actually connecting each stair to the center stalk next (if you can see there is a little “nub” sticking out of each sair that I am going to extend) then there will be a rope rail to each stair. Then there will be a cabin and a small pond inside the globe

not quite sure why the globe part looks so wierd. so if anyone has suggestions it would help a lot


nice start, but the globe does look wierd. Take a look at the index of refraction and the raymirror and such.

post your settings for the material. is there 2 spheres like the inside and outside faces of a sphere or just one? why not post a blend with just the sphere so people can dload it and do some tweaking for you.

ps, 300 stairs!!! wow! I envy your focus. (looking awesome)

post your settings for the material. is there 2 spheres like the inside and outside faces of a sphere or just one? why not post a blend with just the sphere so people can dload it and do some tweaking for you.

ps, 300 stairs!!! wow! I envy your focus. (looking awesome)

alright here is a pictures (tried blend file but got error and didnt feel like messing with it). yeah i know 300 individualy rotated stairs :stuck_out_tongue: i did it by playing some WoW then coming here and laying like 50 stairs then giong and playing more games. also there is 2 connected spheres becasue i wanted it to be 3d and have some thickness


im not sure but you might try pressing full osa. other than that i have no idea. maybe it’s because of subsurf.

btw, to upload your .blend use then just post a link.

well here is a very small update where i connected all the stairs to the stalk


This looks very good and very inspired actually. Though I would suggest using Yafray for the glass…it’s a lot easier.