My Blender website

Hi Folks.

Please check out my website dedicated to Blender stuff (esp. Flash tutorials)here.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Cheers :smiley:

Hi Satish! Been a busy bee I see. Every new Blender site is welcome, especially if it’s up to date. Might be helpful if you say what your tutorials are about before they begin. Also your projects look more like one might expect a tutorial section to be. See you got lots of experiments with Blender files that you offer to share with us all. Good for you! Think it all needs a bit more organising, but maybe that will come with time. Don’t try do too much at once - or is that your thrill in life? Best wishes from Amsterdam :wink:

Hi Patdog.

Points noted. Yes, I have to be more organized. :smiley:

Thank you for the advice. I will incorporate the changes shortly.

Cheers from India.