My cel-shading

Diving into next b.a.k.a. tests before making final model for teaser with it…

and some about how it looks in render and viewport

som fun with spaseship generator again

and some flying mutated mech

animation sequence

some daily NPR speedpaint in blender

These are really nice! But I think cars below really need some love, even if it is supposed to be low-poly, they look like metal boxes rather than cars. Give them more gloss and a bit more details, like doors and some propulsion device seen just a bit (wheels, anti-gravity disks, jets, anything), it should look way better, and if made properly, should not make rendering process longer

a lot of work in my main work but its time to continue making teaser of my animation project (today - casette falling scene)


it just a speedpaint for animation test - not some serious lol

finished some blender+gimp art for vk group

making some new test and for my report on Moscow CG EVENT 2016

After some NPR therapy in blender … Felix changed his s&x

some layers of course

compositing layers

End of a sleepless blendering night with NPR

and solided

This animalistic character is great! Is that also what your B.A.K.A. can do? Or did you modeled her ears manually?

Its toolkit and platform like 3d custom girl for blender(i create it inspiring 3d custom 2 evolution). Ears and wig modelled but all props maked for b.a.k.a. begins part of the library as ready to use props :slight_smile: so i dont need model from zero many parts and etc.

So you also make some various props! I didn’t knew that, what other props do you plan besides of animal ears? Tails, Wings, maybe claws etc.

Yes. As i said before - B.A.K.A. final release will contain all props library im created with this toolkit. Because im using similar rig for male and female parts it suits both. Main idea of b.a.k.a. toolkit - one convinient rig and props library like in 3d custom and minimum routine work.