My cloth physics stop working when baked, what's going on and how can i fix it?

even before baking my cloth only will fall correctly when i hit play, then tab out of object mode and into edit, then back into object mode. But after baking, it stops altogether. Here’s a link to a video of it, but why is it being wonky before baking and why does it stop completely afterwards?

towelsafety.blend (1.4 MB)

It would be better if you could share your Blend File as there are too many variables to try and guess from a screen grab, speaking of which, you made the grab almost impossible to read by sticking your sim in front of the same colored plane, I didn’t even see the sim as I was watching the backplane for movement…

Please try to help us so we can help you ( this goes out to everyone with a question on BA, not just Zach)

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understood, uploaded the file and changed the materials to hopefully help readability. Thanks for your reply

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I am going to guess that you are working on the Towel Hanging on the wall, I ignored the other two for now.

I believe some of the problem was the wall. Some of the settings were too high and were causing the towel to stick to it…
Note: The towel was pinned to the Back side of the wall, which made things confusing in the screen-vid. brought it to the front
The settings on the towel were set as if it was made of cardboard…all the properties were up into the 40s range…WAY TOO HIGH! Around .2 works far better for most of them…
Your towel had no geometry to allow the cloth to bend and shape…
Just a subdivision modifier set to 3 divisions made a world of difference…

The baked file works fine now with these settings as you can see…if the tabs in the Right Panels are closed it means they were set to defaults…
I only turned on collisions and self collisions…