ok think i got everything renamed to 9b
I think those 9b links are dead…
sorry facemania im currently updating new demos to work in 2.43 preview 9b
most demos have had some kinda change wether visual or interactive
i will upload newer video & screens soon
All downloads fixed
new screen of the reworked bridge demo up
also a new video for the bridge
I made a bridge like your new version of it. I kind of messed it up though, because I blender was recording the ipos, so when I duplicated the objects they went back to the ipo’s position and rotation, it would have took to long to fix.
Wow, the bridge looks awsome. Be cool to see games with bendy bridges like this from now on:)
I think I’ll wait for the official 2.43 release this time, this way I won’t have to download a new something every 1 to 2 days like it seems to be going now.
lol I saw this and customized it for you lol
If you don’t download and report problems now, THEN you deal with things not working for six months. Appreciate all the work App. Especially when you find bugs doing all the demos.
HAHAHA!!! this avatar rules! thx a bunch!
lol I knew you would dig it.
stickman gallery shoot updated
video update
These aren’t done in GE are they? Cuz if they are, how did you get toon outline on them?
i did see your demo it’s very magnific!!! and i did downloaded your file blend “gear.blend.” i did open blender with gear.blend and i press P but not to turn it gear…why? my blender version is 2.46 laster…
this is an old thread… read the dates before posting…