My experiment full Scene Interchange 3ds max

hi silvio.falcinel,
these scripts you write are very very good.
i would invite you to drop into irc freenode #blenderpython for a chat.
we can help there with testing & bug reports & even help with code you get stuck on.
Also I would like to get some of your scripts into Blender.
I help manage the add-ons section & we would like to mirror your scripts in svn & release in the add-ons folder.
We can do this as soon as you are ready. Scripts that are still being developed are ok, as releasing to Graphicall builds helps with bug reports & gives you wider feedback.
also as we update to recent svn every time the api changes, it’s a good way to make ready the scripts for release with Blender.
The scripts are yours, we just help maintain & run internal Blender svn & Projects.
Great job again. :slight_smile:

Hi I fixed precision of light rotation and area shape rectangle
this is new script

plugin Blender 2.5.2 Import

script export for 3d studio max for 3ds max 8 , 9 , 2010…

tested in max 2009 max 2010

for me would be a big honor participate in Blender, but for the chat I have problems that I don’t speak English, (I italian speacking also thailand language but not english !), I am able to read and write in informatic english, but with any difficulty for the discursive English

Cannot run the script in max 2009: “MaxScript FileIn Exception: --Syntaxerror: on bad, excepted <factor> in line:” (is translated from german to english ;-))

Maybe there is something wrong because you just renamed the *.mse into a * file ?

Kind regards

Still no unencrypted maxscript eh?

unencrypted maxscript … ok :wink: but after
anybody help me and give correct solution in python for blender 2.5.2 in two question:

  1. for know if the layer of object is visible or no

bpy.context.object … ?

  1. for add driver key animation in lens camera

camipo = driver_add(cam.lens, index=-1)
camipo = Blender.Ipo.New(‘Camera’,‘render_cam_camipo’)
lenscurve = camipo.addCurve(‘Lens’)

… ?

import bpy

Scene = bpy.context.scene

if bpy.context.object.is_visible(Scene):
    print ("I'm visible")
    print ("Not here!")

:slight_smile: Good !!!
good, you have resolved me a small big problem for yafaray and sunflow integration
,but I attend the second question of Lens for complete “scene-interchange” because now not import lens zoom animation

ps. few day and I publish an other unofficial yafaray integration better the first experiment

upgrade for blender 2.5 beta 3

Thank you very much for your continued support of this great script for Blender!
I find it really helpful for converting .max scenes to Blender.

I hope one day, when it matures some more, this could make it into the release package of Blender.
I hope you also post the MAX script source when you think it is ready for publication.

Has anyone though of adding an article about it on the Blender wiki? If no one objects I will start an article there :wink:

EDIT: went ahead and wrote a wiki article about it here:
Feel free to edit it.
Maybe the script could make it into the blender repository, and could get a content license, but I guess that is up to you Silvio.

this script is great,

is there going to be an update to blender 2.54 or 2.6(when the time arrives :P)???


Great work here…

I’m a blender noob… I’m a 3dsmax user too.
I was just installing blender 2.5.4 now.
I tried using your script here but I can’t get it works.

I already followed step by step you wrote at :

it said that > Copy the .py script into your \.blender\scripts\io folder.
Then I copied the .py to “…Application Data\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.54\scripts\io”
(I notice that the folder structure rather different (I cant find “.blender” here), I dont know if I already done it right or not. (I just searced for similar folder)… let me know)
I installed from that location.
…But I stucked after I the Install add-ons button part.
I can’t find anywhere in the addons list that mention “scene Interchange” … so I can’t Enable it for further progress…

Please Help… should I get the 2.5.3 version instead 2.5.4?
Is 2.5.4 not compatible with this?

What should I do? or where did I go wrong?

Thank You…:eyebrowlift:

probably it is not compatible with either 2.55 2.54 or 2.53 i tried it in both and found this error

Question, I tried using the latest version of the script to export a model from 3ds to Blender, however when I export it, the UV textures are exported in to the folder correctly, but when importing it in to blender, the model shows as all white in textured mode. Does any one know what may be causing this?

I am using Blender 2.53 and the correct script for it.

I would just use COLLADA, however when I try to import the exported DAE file, it causes blender to crash.

great addon, when are you going to update your script to blender 2.55 :slight_smile:

Thanks for the script!

Is it compatible with 3dsmax 9 or just 2009? I tried with 3dsmax 9 and it returns this error…

–Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined

This is what I’m exporting

Did Autodesk already buy you or is the script still in development by yoursef ? :wink:

Kind regards

We give and we give and still no unencrypted max script.

Hi Silvio,

will you do a release for blender 2.6x of your plugin?


all the best,


Is Silvio still alive ?

Kind regards