My F1 of the past in the future.

Here is my entry for the F1 contest. I still have to do some minor changes, add focal blur, edit lighting. The picture is of an F1 in a car museum in the year 2086 or something. Please tell me what you think. (copy and paste)

Also the pic is compressed :frowning: so that I could post it. (size limit) :wink:

Beautiful! Great modeling and lighting. My only concern is that the cars in the background don’t look as realistic as the car in the foreground.

But this is very, very nice.

Thanks for the comments

Yea I know :frowning: :frowning: . I need to do something about that. I modeled the other 2 and then appended them into the scene. I just need to edit the materials a little.

The main model looks very nice. I think the concept would be much stronger if you made the museum more ‘future-like’. Right now it looks like any current-day museum. If you want to go with the past/present/future idea, it’d be good to work on communicating that more clearly.

Gorgeous model! Excellent lighting and texturing as well.

The elysiun logo is stretched a little bit, but that is all I can see to crit.

Great stuff.


Beautiful! The cars in the background look very interesting as well.
I am looking forward to posting this one on the Challenge site.

Thanks for all the comments. I thought that the scene looked a little none future looking but I’m pretty happy with the way it came out. I might make some minor adjustments to the guard railing though. Thanks again for the input all. :slight_smile: