I will however note that you have made some excellent improvements. A lot of your deformation issues I could have put down to styling even if thats not what your going for,
Ziggyv listen to these guys they know what their saying, I totally agree with them… but all and all your character is starting to shape up very nicely and has proportionally improved. also like the hair…
Totally disagree there… I have no idea what I’m doing
Yeah I like the hair too. I sometimes forget when being asked for advice pointing out good bits is as important as pointing out things than need improvement.
Ziggyv, any chance we could get a red head version. I likes me a good red head. They are popular in anime too.
Sorry that I haven’t posted this sooner been busy.
I Improved the character from as many angles as possible and added a belly button. I feel that that the hair and eyes still need a improvement in some way.
Thank you for you in depth Feedback! Also I did your request above.
I have enjoyed the feedback I have been getting I feel that I have improved alot since starting this thread and that I want to keep getting better.
Thanks everybody for the feedback and I enjoyed that likes on the hair.
Hey man follow perhaps a reference, that alone will greatly improve your model
Shes looking much better. I just compared your original to the latest revision and the difference is amazing. Great work.
Also like the redhead, thanks :). Maybe with some tweaking you can now have a second character too. Finish this one first though but don’t worry about being too precise, nature is not precise. Looking accurate and looking natural are not always the same thing. Basically don’t worry about getting her 100% to whats in your head. Once your at 98% it might be a good time to make a sister for her. You will find the small tweaks you make develop into a different character then.
A little more. The curve at the back of her legs is a little to consistent, take a look at some real womens legs form a side view. The curve I’ve drawn following the back of her legs should not be so linear. Her thigh muscle should extend down the leg a little more and the bulge of the calf could do with lifting up a little (maybe)
Have you textured the new bit around the belly button differently? It seems to catch the light differently but it does appear smooth in shape at least.
I actually like her hair. Don’t worry too much about it if its not exactly what you pictured. Bringing a character to life isn’t about precision. That said I don’t know whats in your head of course so it may be way off what your going for.
You might want to try getting a pen and paper and draw some sketches of what you are going for, it can help you get the idea out of your brain, and they would help us of course. Another creative technique I find useful, either in a sketchbook or with your actual character is to rapidly draw up some completely different style. Even if its not what your going for it can help you understand how your character looks with different hair and you might find something you like by accident or come up with an amazing new idea. If your drawing by hand I’d limit yourself to 5 min per hair style and just do whatever you can in that time and draw up 3-4 styles minimum. How long you give yourself with blender would depend on your speed and skill with blender but you get the idea its about working fast and just throwing ideas out. Maybe even print an image of her out without hair to draw onto.
This may seem silly and a waste of time but trust me this sort of creative brainstorming can be very useful in any creative situation. Dont worry if you cant draw either, part of the point of the time limit is to force you to not be concerned about how it looks. Its about making your brain throw ideas out. Even if you cant think of a good one to get down in the 5 min just throw out a bad one. Bad ideas can lead to good ideas but having no idea leads nowhere.
When it comes to eyes, they do look rather cartoony, but isn’t that what you are going for?. How much of an issue this is depends on what level of realism your going for. I’ll say right now eyes are not my strong suit. I’m not even good at describing them and I cant draw them well to save my life. The critical point I think in making most eyes look like they have life in them regardless of level of realism is the positioning of the highlights. You may also want to look at some medical texts about the muscles around the eyes, especially if you planning on animating. The shape of the muscles around the eye is not always apparent unless you really look at them right. Looking at medical documents without skin over them will help you visualize the shape better. Could you post some up to date close ups of the head and eyes, from multiple angles. Something like Front on, 30 degrees left/right and then 30 degrees up/down. Its difficult to judge eyes in SketchFab since the textures not there.
Just asked my local eye nurse for advice. Eyes need more reflectivity. The iris needs some patterning and needs to be reduced in size a little. Also add some eyelashes to make them look more natural. But I’ll wait for the close up until we go into too much detail.
Time for a update on what I have done but first I need to show everybody what I am trying to achieve
I am trying to make this kinda of look basically with or without lines
here’s a current render
I’ll have a sketchfab soon need to fix the uv’s first I have a lot of improvements on the topology based off this http://www.hippydrome.com/Modeling.html I am trying to make this model to be good as one that would be made by the people at pixar if they did this kind of stuff
here are some wireframes of the body
Thanks for the feedback
edit: Here’s the sketchfab
I like the topology of your mesh. You done great. But if I might make suggestion to do more for textures im looking forward to seeing this projects completion…
Shes looking pretty awesome.
I’m going to be a bit unprofessional here in saying that at this time of me discovering this post, i can’t quite handle going back and reading every single post along the way >_o
But we all have bad days so maybe i can get back to that soon.
Any time i see anyone tackling an anime style in blender here on the forums… i have to take a look (not that… i’m an Otaku or anything…) But i know even through personal experience… that it is crazy hard to pull off in blender!
i can show you a picture of my best so far,
I have an animation for testing lip sync with him just having him talk about puns… But i don’t need to clutter this all up with my own stuff.
Seeing your model there the first thing that i noticed was how amazing that hair is. I mean… it could still use something, but i can see that you spent some good time on it and had a great procedure of how to get it done. Unlike my character, your hair actually has layers to it, and i’m actually curious of how you made it. like… did you start with poly strips for a bottom layer that is the longest bits of hair, and move up on new layers that got short and shorter and then put bangs on the front? (Kind of reminds me of a nendoroid a little bit)
If you’re interested in animation at all for this character i’d say to watch out on cloth simulations. I tried that and it may look all right, but if the character needs to wear a hat, or sit inside a house… it’s a huge problem… the hair will not sit still.
My Work around for that was to create a shapekey for the hair being blown to the right, left, front, back, up and down, and then make a shape key driver to control those by moving away from the head. And then i would animate everything and then go into the dopesheet and offset that controler’s keyframes by a few frames so the controller would have a delayed motion to the character, thus moving the hair…
But hey! what am i talking about here? you’re still modeling!
sorry about that d: I guess i’m getting a little side tracked. I enjoy talking about Blender
The other thing that i’m noticing… would probably be the eyes. It looks like you’re real close, but it still looks like it could use something. As you can see in my character’s picture, my eyes arn’t great either. I did this thing where i made the faces around the eyes and mouth black to try and make it look more drawn like anime… But i should have just looked into freestyle in blender instead.
Along with that i notice that your eyes look like they arn’t quite looking straight. (just now realizes how to use that sketchfab thing to view your model, wow this just got a whole lot more amazing! sorry i’m tired xD)
Overall i think you might angle those eyes in just a little bit more so that they don’t look a iguana like.
there’s this way to make anime eyes using a lattice deform, if you’re not already doing that… just as an extra thing.
I think lastly i’ll just say, when people point to those Miku Miku Dance models, don’t feel so bad if you feel like you can’t get on that level of modeling. That’s what hits me the hardest is feeling jealous of models like that and wanting to just give up on my own stuff. (Plus if you try and download them i’d say to be extra careful cause i did wind up with viruses trying to do so >_> ) Just remember that even what you have already is amazing and almost no one else in the world knows how to do what you do. So an animation, or an image, with a model that doesn’t look as great as ‘you’ woudl want it to is always better than nothing at all.
I’m working on an animation right now trying to snap me out of that. I’m saying that if i find a way to improve something 3 times, and i’m still not happy with it. Use it anyway.
just to try and get myself to actually make content rather than fuss about what i’m doing wrong on the minute scale.
Okay, i’ll shut up now d:
Ok your making excellent progress but I thought I’d take another look with a bit more scrutiny here. I don’t want to be too critical because a lot of it is down to styling
First lets start with the Ass, look from above or below and you see how unnatural it looks. The checks dont touch. While this does happen with really skinny women or women in certain poses usually on a woman with curves the ass cheeks will touch at least a little. As well as the images below I’m going to post you a link to show you what I mean but beware the image links to an adult image. You should give your model a rounder bottom to make her look more realistic. If you halve the distance between the points I have marked with yellow dots you should be pretty close to right.
You should also note that the valley of the bottom crack changes in depth as it moves round from the perineum up to the tail bone where as in your model it seems a constant depth until a fair way up the back. This is particularly true in clothed models. The butt crack is more prominent lower down and the shorts hide it more as you go up the back. Again some of this can be down to styling but personally I’d make it much flatter level with the top of her panty line as I’ve drawn with the green line. I have seen women with butt checks that dont want to meet so your model isnt really wrong just unusual.
Link to ass, waning nude content: http://www.fineassthumbs.com/picpost/pics/16465_sexy-ass-babe-in-the-nude/
Ok lets talk hands. Look at the area I’ve circled in yellow. This protrusion of the thumb is possible with a real hand but I found it awkward to hold my hand in that shape. With the thumb curled under like that its unlikely it would protrude out to the side in top view.
You will also notice the curve I’ve circled in green is much more pronounced than it should be. although this can depend on the posture of the hand.
You should also pay attention to the proportion of the fingers as small changes here can change the look dramatically. You may find if you place some knuckles and pay attention to the relative positioning of them you will find realistic hand proportioning much easier, knuckles do not line up. Also note that the width of fingers reduces slightly from hand to tip, they are not a constant width. Finger length can also vary person to person but you will usually find the middle finger is longer on a man and the first finger is longer no a woman. The smallest finger usually varies much more in length than the other 3 fingers too. The thumb is also much wider. You seem to have the widths about right but zoom in on the hand and get a woman you know to place their hand on the screen to compare proportions if you cant find a good image to work from.
As for the eyes, they seem to be looking out from the head in different directions. My eyes actually do this as I suffer from double vision but its not normal. try and make them point forwards or better yet have them focus on the same point.
I’m not sure how best to achieve this but you could have the eyes focus on an empty object. That way you could move the empty to make her look around. Would certainly bring her to life in animations if the eyes moved.
Good work with the eye lashes too.
Current Render: Lines Are back!
Sketchfab is buggy
Thanks everybody for the Feedback it all helps and helps me to focus and compare realism vs cartoon needed realism
The Improvements:
I made are to the eyes and lashes, hair,waist.
I made on feedback are remaking the eyes and reworking the butt and hands
I’ll make a Video soon on a tour on the materials and textures and other stuff.
Right now most of the texturing is materials only thing that has a textured is the skin
I would make the chest smaller, tuck the sides of the ribs in.
Is that a personal opinion or a realism opinion?
From .my own personal view I like large breasts so bigger would be nice but from a realism perspective I think the profile of her curves are pretty goog and any “imperfections” could be explained away with natural variation
She looks good as a brunette. You have done a great job of improving her. I keep looking back at your original and the change in such a short time.is dramatic you should be really proud of your work