My first car in Blender(Ferrari 430 Scuderia)

Hey all!

This is my first post to this great forum and my first car project in Blender, it take about 1,5 month time to do it. It has been maked from blueprints and some pictures.

A material of paint surfcace could be a better from my mind, at now it not seems very realistic maybe…

Any comments and critics is welcome… :slight_smile:

hi AP22 welcome to ba :slight_smile:
your car looks very good! could you post some wireframes? so that we can see the topology? the modeling looks really good from what i can see here
the lighting and as you said the material of the car could use some work though.
keep up the good work

Yeah, my first car took something like that long as well to model… the difference is yours actually turned out pretty good XD

As far as materials go, here’s what I see (though I’m no expert):
The specularity and hardness suggest it to be more ‘plastic’
Lower the spec a little, hardness might be better if a little less?
At first this will look off, but if you add reflection in the car’s body material as well as a surrounding panoramic or solid white plane (partially lit or emitting somewhat) above the car and out of the camera view, the whole thing would look a bit more realistic in the sense we could more track the curves of the car based off of the reflection and not looking like plastic from specularity.

Like I said I’m no expert, but this is what I would try.

From what I can see your biggest problem is lighting, there looks to be no shadows. I also think the car paint looks over saturated but over all I think you have made a good job. And also for an update you could use some reflection fall off for the ground plane, it adds a nice effect I think.

Like I said good job so far.

Thanks all for comments.

Natholas, this is the wireframe images…

I am use a Subsurf modifier in a rendering but it not be seen in this wireframe images.

Okay, I added a big white plane behind of the camera, plane emitting little a light (0.070) and I bit adjusted paint surface material. And in this it is now “blue sky”, not black, it makes image a bit brighter…

At now Ferrari seems perhaps a little better and less “plastic”… :rolleyes:


Hey, looking at the front views of the old and new, this actually looks quite a bit better! The curves are much more visible and appealing thanks to that plane.

I would personally almost like a dark grey background with a horizon blending to white, or modeling the plane to curve slowly upward to vertical behind the car (this would be problematic with reflections, though, so I’m not quite sure). I think keeping the reflections around the car in grayscale would be nicest, unless you go to adding an hdi real image around the scene

I’m also thinking that the windows would have a bit of reflection, even if the glass remains tinted dark like this…
Aside from that the texture/material of the wheels and tires seem to be the largest outlier now… I can see the subdivisions of the wheel itself, so try another subdivision level.

It’s getting there!! :wink:

I’m glad you are not using specularity anymore in the latest pictures and use reflections instead (Atleast that’s what i think I see).
Speularity is just faking reflectivity, it’s always best to use real reflectivity instead.
Anyway, I suggest using an external renderer. BI is really bad for this sort of thing…
The model looks great.

Thanks, this is now corrected… Reflections are increased of all glass surfaces.

Sorry I don’t understand what you mean…? I think wheels are very accurate model (subsurf level 3). :eek: See image wheel wireframe

Wheel wireframe

Hmmm, thanks this is a good point… I added reflectivity and decreased specularity to almost all surfaces(paint, glass, wheels)…

And this is a result, with a new street-environment! :yes: (a second image become soon, rendering takes lot of time…)


The Wheel itself isnt bad … Maybe just make some sharp edges a littlr bit smoother(maybe just my taste)… And( again just my taste) the gold color doesn’t fit with the color of the car… Try making it more silver/chrome marerial( fitting to the headlight ) for me seeming too dull and used with the current material applied…

The street texture is out of scale… Either you have a really small car and surrounding or you just have a very rocky street , which cant be since the shadows on it are way too smooth… Try adding a bump-map texture to add some depth/ believability…

i like the car, but i tink it would look nicer if you had an inner view of the car…i know its your first model of a car, so maybe try making each peice of the car seperate? then you could have insides to it :stuck_out_tongue:

This is the second rendering… :cool:

looks a lot better, try mapping the bricks for the sidewalk though :smiley:

Windshield wipers?

lthough it came out great, i would like to mention some mistakes you made with the topology…
On the back wheal arch ther is TWO 7 point poles ATTACHED to eachother. 7 point poles are bad enough, but attached to eachother is worse. Try redoing the topology on that, and there is ALOT of triangles, remove them, as best you can, because triangles are terrible, keap it all in quads next time.