My First Character WIP

Hi guys!

So I finally bit the bullet and started my own character project. Here are some screenshots (nix wireframes- for some reason, I can’t get the back verts to disappear, regardless of whether “limit selection to visible” is toggled…)

Anyway, I’m mostly done with the body modeling, if you exclude what I expect to be many more hours of tweaking, lol. I’ve held off on the ears as they’re extremely intimidating to me, and I’m pretty sure I’m just going to cover them up with hair anyway :wink:

How does it look so far? How are the proportions, etc? (I think maybe the hands are too small?) I’m not going for photorealism here- I started modeling based off of the “Joan of Arc” tutorial references, then started winging it from there.

To do:
-Fix topology (It’s currently quite frightening)
-Eyelids (would it be best to use seperate objects for eyelids, or extrude from the current mesh?)

C&C are welcome and very much appreciated!

Ok, first thing first, IMO the face looks to childish to belong with that body
second, the shoulders are a mess at armpit area
third, the upper body is a bit small in comparison with the rest of the body
that’s just hat i saw at first glance
and about the eyelids, they should be part of the mesh with a shrink wrap to the eye object applying specifically only to the eyelids

Wow, for a first character it looks great! My only critique is that the jaw looks a little square, especially for a female. In the orthographic screen you can see right under the ears it sticks out rather than immediately curving into the chin.

Lol yeah, I think you’re right- kinda looks like she’s had a couple kids already. I actually scaled the upper body out quite a bit from the reference, but I agree it needs some more. I guess there should be an edge loop from the breast over the shoulder into the arm?

@The Dawisch
Thanks! Not my first attempt, but the first time I’ve gotten past the legs and torso- and the first I’m determined to finish. Originally, those were just cheekbones I think, but over the course of smoothing the mesh, they migrated down and back somehow.

2011-5-22 Face Topology progress



The baby’s head on a woman’s body freaks me out!

lol, I know what you mean. I’ve been having quite a bit of difficulty maintaining the cute “anime” style while trying to make her look older. Any pointers?

2011-5-23 Update:

The beginnings of eyelids were added, and some kind of alien creature has been trying to suffocate her.

…nah, that’s supposed to be hair :(. It’s an extruded plane with solidify and subsurf modifiers attached. I know it’ll look better when textured, but any tips for improvement would be greatly appreciated.

Until I can figure out a better method, though, it’s on to clothes! Or teeth… or texturing, I dunno but whatever it is, I’m excited as I’ve never gotten this far with a character model before.

I know how hard can be to model first characters, so here are few pointers.

The topology around nose and to forehead is a mess, there is something really weird going on under the nose and on the chin. (If u have trouble getting the loops right, i can do a quick paintover) The head is pushed in around ears?

Going for the cute anime look? The eyes should be bigger. Nose slightly smaller, and not that defined probably. Lips and chin not that emphasized. Overall face lines way smoother.
For inspiration:
well this is what i would do if i would be doing this char in anime style :rolleyes:

i hope i wasn’t too harsh, but these were the first things that came to my mind when looking at the wires and the last render :spin:

If you have the time to do a paintover, that would be really helpful! And thanks for the crits, I need all I can get and I would actually prefer them to be as blunt as possible. :smiley: After staring at this thing for so many hours, I didn’t notice about the nose- but now that you point it out, yeah, the nostrils are way too big and sharp.

Ok, back to work.

EDIT: Also, thanks for that reference- that’s an incredible render :eek:

Worked more on topology. Now the smoothing begins…

Looking a little better

but still…

there is no 100% correct way of doing the loops, because each character is unique, but they need to support the facial features.
Also, the lips need some serious rework, female lips have really specific shape, right now its hard to tell if its he or she.
And the ear, personally i would recomend to remove it and add the ear later if the facial loops are going the right way (frankenstein it back in), if the loops and face look ok before the adding the ear, its no big deal if some loops get broken there

some more references:



Thanks, I didn’t see it before, but those loops you crossed out really need to go. Here’s some work I did night before last I reworked the face a lot ( form not topology- it was before I saw your wireframe), and I’m pleased to see that a couple of changes I made (like dropping the nose) were recommended in your paintover.

I’ll post the corrected topology in a day or so (I’m itching to model clothes as I’ve never attempted it before.)

Thanks again!

Thanks, I didn’t see it before, but those loops you crossed out really need to go. Here’s some work I did night before last I reworked the face a lot ( form not topology- it was before I saw your wireframe), and I’m pleased to see that a couple of changes I made (like dropping the nose) were recommended in your paintover. EDIT: Although it doesn’t look like enough after comparing it to the earlier ones- I’ll drop it some more.


I’ll post the corrected topology in a day or so (I’m itching to model clothes as I’ve never attempted it before.)

Thanks again!

wow, nice for your first character :slight_smile:
will you animate her, too?

I modeled a anime girl, too … so if you need help feel free to ask me ^^ (my character Grinkat)

Well, I couldn’t hellp it, I had to poke at it some more, lol. More rings around the eyes and jaw loops added. Am I on the right track?

Thanks! I remember running into your character on Youtube last week, nice work!

Well, eventually I plan on retopoing and putting her in the game engine, so at some point she’ll be rigged, textured, animated, etc. (Operative word = eventually… I knew this was time consuming, but I’ve already put 20 hours into just the modeling- and there’s still a lot to do!) Actually, what finally motivated me to start a character was when I was working on that analog controller script- moving a cube around just isn’t all that exciting :confused:

the sideview is still a bit to thin on the neck… maybe you should use a skeleton as a reference (so i did too^^: For modeling low poly: i realy love this tutorial, it’s not blender but you can do the modeling the same way so it doesn’t matter :wink: about the hours: for the beginning it’s ok to take long … it took me more than 2 weeks daily work to finish my first character (ok i think he was never finished XD because i worked on it for 3 year now… poor Shou XD) realy? i never thought someone would find my videos on youtube XD

She looks a lot better now, but yeah chin looks really sharp, and she is also missing eyelids

did a quick photoshop that imo would look better

also there really isnt need to do retopo for a subsurf only model, if ur model looks ok in subsurf u only need to turn off the subsurf and u already should have a really good base, maybe need to remove few loops here and there but no need to spend time on retracing the model from scratch again :rolleyes:


Thanks for all the advice and support, guys. Besides the head progress, I have the hands halfway cleaned up (I’m too embarrassed to show them even now, they’re still pretty bad - lol), some undergarments, and I’ve begun to remodel her hair. I kinda want to keep going tonight, but I think I need to take a break to keep from getting burned out! I’ll post that and hopefully more progress tomorrow.

Thanks for the link, I’ll check out that tutorial. Hopefully next time will be more efficient :slight_smile:

I think you’re right about the chin, your photoshop looks a lot better! I was trying to maintain that triangular look I’ve seen in a lot of anime, but it still needs to be filled in below I guess.

I’d sure like to avoid retopologizing, but she’s already 4-5k triangles without any clothes or accessories! :eek: I guess I’ll have to figure that out when the time comes though- I think at the very least the hands will need some simplification.

I’ll need to take another pass at the lips again soon- if anyone has any links to helpful resources on that, I’d be very appreciative!

Today’s update:

Finally modeled some clothes- shrinkwrap is really handy!