my first class in maya at BGSU

oh man
i never though i till hate a class that much. the past time with blender made me realize how nice it could be not to have any tool you would like to have but to have the tools you need direct under your finger tips.

somehow maya seems to me pretty complex thats fine but also blownup and hard to overview. maybe a maya crack will disagree with me for sure.

but i have to say blender is what i think about all the time while i play in maya. onle when i render in blender i think about maya/mental ray :wink:


I’ve played around with a few programs, and moving from one to another really makes a big difference. have great video tutorials (need a ‘star’ to get them all, do some decent posts and critiques in the WIP forum, that should be enough, was about 47 posts for me).

I learned like that (the UI and tools) and had a go at some Maya tutorials and ended up liking it a lot. Am quite pleased with some of the work I managed to do in it hehe. It is really just getting used to the UI and workflow.

…I know this feeling :smiley: and I’m very happy that Blender meets my needs - I worked with Maya some time ago and it was a bit too mighty for what I was doing. I think I never completely understood UV mapping in Maya :wink: for example.

Well, for me, I could try maya with the personal learning edition, but 3dsmax, for me, it’s like “why take a truck when you can have a pick-up?”
Well, anyway, I am not interested in 3dsmax, partly due to the popularity of it. I just don’t dig it. I’ve tried it, but never got into it. “Into”, meaning like it.
I love blender, and I will stick to it.