hello everyone this is my first game project. its an FPS hope u like it…
take a look at the .blend and please tell me what I need to improve.
bge rain.blend (630 KB)
hello everyone this is my first game project. its an FPS hope u like it…
take a look at the .blend and please tell me what I need to improve.
bge rain.blend (630 KB)
To be honest, there is not enough to critique. A tree with no textures or leaves in the middle of a cylinder with no textures. The mouse look works.
You asked how to improve it. Well, add something besides 1 tree to start. Not being sarcastic. I’m just saying slow down and develop some content before asking for detailed critiques. What’s the story? Who are the characters? Etc.
Good luck.:eyebrowlift:
thanks for the critic. Its not what I’d expected but really thanks for your honesty.
sorry I forgot to pack the blend file…
Ill upload the textures… Im having trouble uploading the .blend file
Im not planning on making a big project… It was just a rain test in the blender game engine
angel this is the png Im using as the rain drops
Press go advanced, then below the text box, manage attachments. You can upload the blend from there.