My first image. Need some help.

I would like some feedback on my FIRST image created with Blender. I showed it to a friend of mine, and he said it needs to be soften it up so it isn’t so pixelated. I don’t mean to sound dumb but, how do I fix that. Thanks.

Do you see the button named “OSA” ? Hit it? If your not satisfied, use higher samples.

Do I have to select something first, or do I just hit the button? Thanks for the help!

na the OSA is preset to 8 i think just hit the button and that will fix it…

Ah, that looks much better (as you can see above). Thanks again.

You can also really amp up OSA by using motion blur along with AA.

Did you make the spaceship? Because if you did, I don’t believe it’s your first image.

I’ll beleive it if you’ve done modelling before using blender though.

My suggestion is to subsurf the planet to make it smoother. :wink:

i think the ship model is from the blenderwarz or something like that site if its not im sorry but looks like it is.

also the planet is not round enough … can see the straight lines that make up the circle. :confused: maybe subsurf or something…

Wow, good job!(my first wasn’t nearly as good as that) :wink:

Very good job for a first image. In addition to all the above suggestions, look at this tutorial on creating realistic planets:

This will take your image to a whole new level, and just following the steps will teach you a lot about Blender in a very short time.

Good work and best of luck.
