My first model in blender: Priss Hardsuit BGC

well the three tri’s on the front of the leg plate seems to be everyone’s biggest beef with my model… which to be honest is a bit bost to my ego. in the diffinets of the Tri’s… on order to remove the one near the hip I would have to add an inverst qwoed tri, which will give me artifacts no matter what I do unless I get of the inverst and just make it a tri/qwiad but then I would lose the shape I have now or I could ad a crap load of faces to the leg which I had before but it was giving me rolling bumps around leg that I just couldn’t live with so I used that Tri to fix it; the two at the knew that are side by side they are there because of the sub-surf. I murged them then I would get a flat egde that just didn’t look right or I tried flipping them and that made a crease across the leg that looked worse… so just split them in half leaving me with two tri’s.

I have some idea’s on how to fix this that I’ve used in other programs that I’m plaining on trying but I’m not there yet… and I shouldn’t have to deform the leg plate so it sould even be a really problem anyways… but we’ll see

but anyway, Thank you all for writing me and telling me about what you think about the model so far. the whole reason I posted it here was because I was hoping to see what people thought if it, so thank you again it means a lot just to get a post that says “neet” so thank you

I don’t recall putting in any links just uploaded picks and told a slightly long story about myself… which now that I think about it might be for the better.:o I’ll just re-upload new pics tonight I havn’t got to work on it at all today anyway…

okay so here my updates for the and the last two days… because tuesdays update vanished without a trace…

the work today was mostly the stomach and some fix’s to the chest and back… more twiking then biulding.

Tell me what you think…


Still looking good to me. Will you do a version where Priss has her helmet off?

I think those high heels are absolutely ridiculous. :slight_smile:

But I guess that’s how they are supposed to be.

Very nice model otherwise.

I don’t know. My intentions where to just learn to model then learn to texture then learn to rig… light; render; animation, and just use this model as a learning tool to do so. So it was never ment to be a full working model of the show… although I’d really like to do something with Piss putting the suit on… but I’d have to do so much work for the inner working of the suit I don’t know if I have that kind of time (okay… not ‘time’ just ambition…)

[quote=Mazui;]I think those high heels are absolutely ridiculous. :slight_smile:

But I guess that’s how they are supposed to be.[/quote]

yes. yes they are, but isn’t that the fun and how are high heels any more ridiculous than people in combat suit fighting robot for fun and profit… can you tell me that? :smiley: Maybe a free program thats more stable then one that cost 5 grand thats pritty fricken ridiculous if you ask me… anyway thanks for taking a look and the kind words! :ba:

Maybe the other armoured people won’t have to struggle to keep balance while fighting robots. :slight_smile: And if she strays out on a wet lawn she’d sink right into it.

(Sorry for being such a bore about this :o)

I’m afraid so. JIblet is trying to accurately reproduce the battlesuit from Bubblegum Crisis. The anime had extreme high heels, so JIblet’s mesh has to as well.
Do a Google image search and you’ll see what I mean.

-----Crazy rant----- Sorry…

Mazui- you’re right they don’t make a whole lot of sense, if you look at it from logical point of view… but where’s the fun in that? a lot of things don’t make sense like transformers, tundercats, he-man, the mullet or trickle-down economics but hay! it was the eightys! what do you expect? maybe, The Matix, Transformers-The Movie, paying 5 grand for software when you can get better software for free or a war on an noun… did I just get off topic (oh I allmost forgot freak’en Hot Topic I mean WTF!)

if people liked things that made sense we’d all be watching a tv show about other people watching the same tv show at the same time we where watching the same tv show… wait… did that make any more sense?..

-----end crazy rant-----

Mazui, I hope you understand I didn’t mean anything by that I just thought it was funning and would be good for a laugh.:o;):spin:

well the feet are ment to fit into another robot(motoslave) to give Priss more power then the hardsuit has. the feet are realy only there for two reasons; to fit into the motoslave and just because they look cool. not for any really reason that makes a lot sense. and anyways she stays up right the same way the Segway does… its magic damn it!!! lol

thanks again for the comment it was fun… at least for me!:D:D:D

oh and about the shoes; anyone who was at Pride in SLC last sunday knows you just have to stand on your toe’s when wearing stilettos on the grass in the rain so that you don’t sink… unless your “to Wong Foo” wig weighs more then you do then your scrood!

Sure. Just fooling around. :wink:

What program did you use before becoming a blender user?

3dsMax for about 4 years about 10 years ago, maya for last year or so… xsi, lightwave, animation master but most of them have just been to try things out and see how they worked so I could better teach max back in the day. I taught myself 3d back in highschool using AutoCad… I know I’ve forgetting some but theres a bunch in there. I’ve worked at all that for about 5 years then my little sister died so I gave it up and after my yonger brother died a little over a year ago, I dissided to try and get back into the swing of things. So I took some classes, at the school I used to teach at, learning Maya (which I hate!!!).

and know I’m trying my hand at “blender” just because I can… long story short… :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear about your siblings. I hope they had a good time while they were alive.

Autocad is a pretty odd choice for a novice 3D artist, especially if it was one of the older versions where you had to enter everything numerically. I’ve tried a little 2D Autocad… now there’s a program to hate. :slight_smile:
I’m learning SolidWorks as part of a simplified engineering education I’m taking now. Quite often I feel like whacking my head againt a wall out of sheer frustration while working with it, but when I am in blender I miss features from SW.


not a lot got done today I’m sub’ing at the school (8am-9pm) and not getting a lot of time to work on this… but here it is

oh and if I didn’t spend most of my free time trying to think of something clever to say to Mazui I’d be getting more done aswell… :smiley:

next will be either the head and neck of the shoulders and arms… both scare the crap out of me… so we’ll see what happens next


well I’ve never been the novice 3D artist. I was taking drafting because they wouldn’t let me take wielding, sheet metal, machining or electronics (I was only sixteen at the time and you had to be eighteen) and what I really wanted to do was work for Baker, Savini, Winston or maybe the great Jim Henson and Frank Oz… so when into drafting after three months or getting throw almost a year of work I got bord and look up 3d in the back of the book and started teaching myself. After the teachers found out what I was doing they had me start teaching them how to work in 3D and we eventually got 3dsMax and I started helping out with corseware evaluation.

yes my first job in 3d was in teaching… my whole life is like that! back-ass-wards

If you do get around to animating it, are you planning on modelling any Boomers for her to fight?

If you get to that point, I’d love to see you do the “eject” sequence (not sure what else to call it) where the armour is blown off of her body.

I’ve seen some of 2040, but love the designs (and what I’ve read of the storylines) of the original BGC!

the quick ansure is no. I’ve always wanted to model/rig a boomer but I really only wanted to model this as a learning tool to get to know my way around Blender. So I don’t think so.

the model of the suit I’m working on, I don’t think had an ‘eject’ sequence. It’s based on the OVA and in that they didn’t even talk about battery life or getting out of the suit, they just suited up and fought untell the ‘bad’ guys were scrap or the suit was distroyed.

sorry for the long break between updates but I went camping and got ‘oh my god’ sick, so I haven’t had much time to work…


wow :eek: this is your first :eek:

Nice work, this is 10x better then when i tried modeling priss.

thanks but its not my ‘First Model’ just my first model using ‘Blender’

Bobcatben, its a hard model I’m running into al kinds of problems now that I’m into the arm and I’m still not happy with the helmet but I’m move on. Do you have your model up somewhere I’d love to see it. I’ve only found two other models so far.