My first model in blender: Priss Hardsuit BGC

It looks really promising! keep working on it. will be a human inside there?

Another update… been working on the arm almost there! Don’t know if I’m going to do anywork over the week or tomorrow so it might be a few days before I get back to it.


No, I don’t have any plains to put a person in this one.


pretty cool - keep working on it :wink:

okay so its been a few days sense a update, sorry.

I’ve been working on the Gauntlet I’m not really happy with it but I need to move on. Its going to be a bit before the next update because I need learn a bit more about how rigging works in Blender before I can get into the shoulder.

anyway, here’s the gauntlet…


almost done with the modeling and about to go on to Texturing.

I still need to do the hand, I’ll be working on that next… but I had some ideas so I’m going to experament rather than just getting it done so we’ll so how long it takes. :spin:

anyway scene I’m moving into texturing as the next main phase, if anyone has any good ideas or tuts that could help me out I’d appreciate any help you could give me. :o

once again any crit or suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!


Sorry forgot to add pics from the back…


looks really good cant wait to see it finished

Oo OO oO
looking awesome

Sigh…i love anime…

I small update. I finishedthe hand thursday and friday inbetween class, I’d like to do more detail into it but I want to move into texturing even more so, so I think I’m just going to move on…


Looks good as usual. I just wish your renders were a bit brighter.

Mine is very low poly, originally aiming to put it in the sims 2 but gave up on that.

so its very smooth and basic in comparison, never got around to the head and just kinda gave up, it was my first shot at humanoid modeling.


I’ve just been doing some color and texture test. I’m not happy with a lot of it but I’m learning a lot…

Bobcatben, thanks for sharing! There really isn’t a whole lot their is there but from what I can see you where going for the toko 2040 version of the suit. It was a very good start you should have stuck with it. It looked like all you really needed was some good anatomy reference. I wise I had my first humanoid modeling, god it looked like crap! I still can’t get the shoulder right and spend to much time trying to get the croch to work properly.


Okay so I need some help from everyone. I made my first blender texture Thursday and Friday after reading, downloading and testing different ways of getting effects I sat down and built a CarbonFiber texture its uses UV mapping so it’s not the greatest it takes some work to get it to look right and there are some things I don’t know how to do in blender yet… such as, does anyone know if you can change the angle of the ‘Tangent V’ to a ‘Tangent U’?

anyway, I made the texture to go on the fabricy places in between the armor. But now I just can’t decide if I like it with the gloss coat (resin) the way real CarbonFiber has or if I should go with a dull cloth like shade with the metal/Carbon fibers?

Please take a lot and tell me which one you like best.

The render is still really simple just and AO and the base light nothing fancy yet.


The dull one, with a little more specularity,

some Texture updates, I’ve also added some lights. I need to figure out the environment mapping so I can make the armor texture and the chrome really pop but they do for now. I’m going to be re-doing the helmet next and then I’m just going to redesign the whole damn thing… I mean rig her ya I’m not giving up I’m going to rig her…:eek:

oh almost forgot the tummy and neck are textured better but I haven’t done a good render with them yet…


Thanks for the reply. Thats preety much what I was thinking to there was just thing about the glossy look I couldn’t let go of.

You could put a normal map on it and break up the shine.

So I broke down and rebuilt the helmet… I like the texture’s are pretty much done I’m still working on the Stomach and the two neck brace things but other then that its time to start rigging and building the some enviment stuff.

Does anyone have a good tut on building concrete walls?

here’s some compareshions of the the old and the new helmet…


Is the black material on the throat supposed to ha a 45 degree angle?

The new helmet looks great!

I’m really liking the detail you are putting into your model. What ar some of the methods you are using to creat some of the more detailed areas like the chest, helmet, and armature areas. I would really enjoy knowing how you got all of that done.