My first post - Bold Modern Kitchen

Hello Blender creators. :wave:

This is my first forum post.
I started with Blender more or less as a self-taught. It’s been a while since my first attempts. I found myself mostly in the archviz.
My goal is to achieve photorealistic visualization.

What do you think, am I on the right track? Do you have any advice or tip for me?
I will be grateful for any opinion.
The attached kitchen is created on the basis of a request to visualize ideas, so the task was largely clear.

Blender 3.5 (Cycles, 2500 samples, 6 minutes) ; without post procesing

I’m sad. Because as a new user I can only put one embedded media item in a post.
So maybe I’ll add more later. Or in another post. :slight_smile:


Hi Janka and Jakub.
I think the best what you can do is study photography and lights in photography for real kitchens.
The materials in the kitchen are really great - very nice and realistic.
I think what is causing weird feelings is the dimensions of the picture.

Just ideas you can try to incorporate - but as a first render it is a great start!
Have a nice day - keep up the great work - enjoy Blending :slight_smile:
Janka :slight_smile:

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Hi 3Dshare.

Thank you for your comment. :sunglasses:

As for the lights, I see it as there is usually one main source of light in the interior - that is, the sun. And then some led strip, light, bulb…
This is how I approach it in rendering as well, as the main light source is the Sky Texture and subsequently some secondary ones, as I mentioned.
I don’t use surfaces or spotlights directly from Blenr as something extra.
I like the lights and the overall feel of your work. It looks nice. :+1:

Thanks for the effort you put into the notes.
You’re right, the height is all wrong, but for some reason it was an assignment. What I pointed out. If it were my opinion, the cabinets would definitely be to the top and higher.
You’re right, there could have been some decorations on the yellow wall to break them up and make it more interesting. Large empty areas (mostly) do not look good. I have to remember that.

And you accurately revealed the effort with the chairs. They should have agreed with the cabinets. Maybe it needs some other blue accessories.

In the future, I will take lessons and try to do my job a little better.
Thank you for the praise of the materials, I think he has made progress there, but there is still room for improvement. And the materials play a significant role in the result, I think.

And of course it wasn’t the very first render, but it was the first one we wanted to share. :wink:

I’ll see what the next post brings.

Thank you again. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Thank you Bart.
We appreciate it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a great weekend too.

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