My first scene - castle scene

I just want to read some reviews on my first environment scene. I am really in beginner stade but i like what I achieved. Pls some come comments.


Looks pretty good! The color seems a bit saturated in some places but i like what you did with the lighting! Is this from the udemy course btw?

this is my first time i use blender and the scene i made from the course in udemy. I still have a lot to learn, but at 60 is difficult to learn as quickly as when i was young. Thks for the comment


I think it really amazing for a first go!
Puts my things to shame even after in the CG world since the early '80s…

I do think the front side to the camera is a bit dark, there would be quite a bit of AO on that side.

this looks beautiful, really caught my eye

I featured you on BlenderNation :tada: Enjoy your weekend!

Really nice! the lighting is perfect for the scene :slight_smile:

you’re doing an amazing job so far! Keep going and you’ll only get better :slightly_smiling_face:

I really like the scene, especially, as it’s your first one! Keep it up!