My laptop cant handle the rope?


I have modeled this chair, The way i did is at first i have create the rope and added a texture, then i duplicated all around the chair, I dont know if there is another way to create this kind of chair or is this the only way as i have done.
I wanted to create really high quality of this chair with rope but now i am paying the price :smile: my blender crashed and my laptop cant handle this it shuts down on its own. Can you help me. Is it a mistake the way that i have modeled this chair

Yes, it is clearly. Blender may crash if your PC runs out of RAM or VRAM and these cases are not even considered bugs in Blender. You need to reduce the amount of geometry to something your computer can handle.

Another mistake is not to provide any relevant information about the object when asking for help. You should not crop the UI in your screenshots so at least some settings in the UI may be visible, provide more detail like the specs of the computer, poly count, close up screenshots of the topology of the object and so on if you expect any meaningful help.

If the whole PC crashes, that might also indicate other problems like hardware issues or overheating(which is quite likely on a laptop not meant to function as a workstation computer). Check cooling - maybe the heatsinks and/or fans are clogged with dust, see if the temperature rises before crashing, see RAM and VRAM usage, make sure GPU drivers are up to date.

Check the RAM usage while using blender.
If the GPU can’t handle it while modeling, the screen will freeze. :thinking:
It seems that the cause of blender crashes is insufficient RAM.

Thank you for reply, My Blender crashes due to not enough memory. Sometimes i am wondering is it mistake the way i have done this lets say if i have higher ram can it handle this without any issue. and also i have 4k texures on all of this chair. Actually my blender works hardly with modelling but when i open shading node it crashes

You don’t need that much geometry for a chair like that. It is definitely a mistake in modelling to model a chair that has 50 million triangles. Try reducing triangle count by… 49,975,000 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Edit: No, I mean, I am not sure what’s the reasonable amount of geometry for that chair, because I have not seen the actual real chair and I have no idea what your purpose is, but I am pretty sure that’s not 50 504 640 triangles! That’s absurd amount. This is definitely wrong on all levels in all contexts I can think of.

What is this for? What’s the actual chair? I mean is it a real product? Can you show the refference photos? What is it called, who is it manufactured by?

It’s not only the memory of GPU, it’s more complicated. See this: if you have time for it.

The amount of Vertices displayed on the screen uses about 15gb of RAM.
No one uses this much memory for a chair. :sweat_smile:
You have to reduce the amount of memory used.

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Look at using “Instances” Model one and Instance all the rest of the ropes…

Did you duplicate your rope with ‘Duplicate Objects’ (Shift + D)? If your ropes have the same geometry, try using ‘Duplicate Linked’ (Alt + D) to create a dependent copy. Watch this short video for more details:

As a temporary solution, try hiding the ropes in the viewport to reduce RAM usage. Also, the community can offer more advice if you share what kind of chair you’re designing