My lights don't work (new to ba)

I am trying to light my scene but no light is working, I have tried to crank up the power but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Could I have done something wrong?
new users can’t upload attachments :pensive:


Can you please attach the screenshot?

Thank you

P.S. if you cannot attach the screenshot/blend file, you could use some cloud storage and provide the link here

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Welcome to BA :grinning:
It will be tricky to solve the problem without a screenshot. Have a look maybe under viewport shading and tick the box that says ‘‘scene lights’’ as in this image down below. You may also have to then go to solid view and then back to rendered view for it to update and be visible. I hope it helps, …Happy blending.

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wow, thank you! this was it. I had unchecked it while trying to add a HDRI then forgot about it. I’ve been here for 3 days, thank you so much.

:grinning: very glad I could help. :+1: