has anyone had this issue…I have a simple scene with a character using simple WASD bricks and a rotating suzanne head…and the logic does not run…
I am stumped…I can just start a new scene…no big deal…but I am afraid I may have changed something in blender that is stopping the logic from operating…
1)objects(character) falls to the ground…so I know physics are functioning
suzanne does not turn
input keys do nothing.
if no one has had this before or if it does not ‘ring any bells’ I will make a new scene, but I would like to learn why this is instead of just tossing it aside.
we are going to need at least the code. make sure your bricks are right. once i forgot to plug in my python controller. another time i turned python inside out. you just never know.
@BPR: yes that is exactly what I did…I went back and forth between BGE and UPBGE…
@Daedalus: there is no code, that is why I am stumped…absolutely nothing special…I simplified the scene to just suzanne an always sensor and motion controler set to rotate on z axis and still nothing…???
I will make a new blend and append the scene, if that does not work I will just start over…it is only about 45 seconds of work :), but that is not really the point…I want to figure out why…I think BluePrintRandom has the right idea…I will get back on this tomorrow…right now I need to get to bed.(Germany)
no, lol, this is a scene I had setup to start working on my quadruped ai and mechanics before I import anything into Myrlea(my game)…
anyway…to be brief, nothing worked appending the scene or even one object at a time(both into a new scene ofc)…deleting all logic and just taking the scene down to nothing…
I then added a simple plane with[ always sensor->and controler->simple motion actuator(rot Z axis)]…and guess what…
It did nothing still
…it is a tough one and likely a bug…I, however, cannot reproduce or have the faintest idea why it was happening so I just started over…I will not mark this as solved, but no need to worry about it…
Before you say it’s a bug, re-download blender, and try again.
I had a few problems with blender after i opened a .blend made in an older version. this older .blend screwed up my blender configuration. After deleting and re-downloading blender everything worked like it should again.
Thnanks Cotaks, but I did try setting it to defaults as well…it was also one of my concerns…
…but as I said I created a new scene…
I appended everything from the scene and it runs just fine…but I cannot delete the other scene. Has anyone run into this issue before or know a work around?
The internal datastructures of a blend file is quite complex, and sometimes it does become corrupted (eg objects not associated with scenes, but present in a group when linking - this one left me stumped for days). With enough playing around in the python bpy console, you can sometimes sort it out, but it’s easier 99% of the time to append things to a new file.
well…I did get it all cleared up as of this very moment…
after I had to create it all new, I ended up also needing to save over the old scene file…that fixed both issues…there were no linked or appended object anymore so it all worked out…but yes, I’m fairly certain it just got corrupted…