Hey there!
I am attempting to add this material, to this model and I can’t get the right results.
See the image where it is correctly applied to the cube, but not the desk top.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hey there!
I am attempting to add this material, to this model and I can’t get the right results.
See the image where it is correctly applied to the cube, but not the desk top.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Did you unwrap your desktop panel at first? If so, what an unwrap method did you use?
Also, check your shaders nodes, did you set all nodes correctly? Have you connected Texture Coordinate with Mapping node properly?
If you wish, send your .blend file and I’ll take a look at it.
What is your Blender’s version as well?
3.6.2 2023-08-17
Also, I didn’t see any textures in your scene (see screenshot below):
That’s because you haven’t packed resources to your .blend file, to do this, go to File → External Data and check “Automatically Pack Resources” or click Pack Resources. See screenshot below:
After that, please, re-upload your .blend file on your Google Drive.
P.S. Don’t forget to save your scene after you did pack resources
Thank you so much it was actually the unwrap that worked!
You’re welcome, Gabriella
Always glad to help