My model is changing the pose unexpectedly when I shift around the animations

I have a cat model and when I shift around the two animations in action editor my pose is glitching like this
even when I fix this in pose mode when i change the “startanim” to “idle animation” it glitches again
there is no matter how many times I correct the pose when I change it it brokes.

If you guys know something about it let me know, thanks!

is there anybody for help

Hi, it looks like you are not using the pose mode or some of the controls are not parented to the root object.

Does it fix itself if you scrub the timeline or play animation? Or just a gli5ch when switching?

Can you share the file?

If not…
check the parts of the rig that glitches is the rotation in Euler? Maybe some rotation are doing more than a full turn

Check if some properties are keyframed in one action but not the other. (Switching is not resetting them to rest pose)

Check if some rigify option in the N panel are keyframed? A switch between fk/ik but not accounted for in the other action?

thanks for reply I looked it up and fixed head it was just a bug I guess.I repositioned the head but the tail is so confusing cuz every bone and rig there is miss positioned and rotated.Does anybody know how to reset spesific bones rotation and position?

Select the bones in pose mode and Use ALT+G for position rest, ALR+R for rotation

I tried to do that with the selected bone in the tail as you can see in the image but alt+r or alt+g didnt work and nothing happened

Im using Meta-Rig for rigging is it about that I wonder?

I did it manually and it doesnt solve either its reset position is broken too.I have to do it manually and find correct position and rotation for necessary bones.


as you can see on the image beside from the selected tail bone others are perfectly aligned(I guess in the image it seems correct the mesh is aligned with the orange circle) but I cant align the selected one,anybody knows how?

in pose mode press A to select all (all the bones) and use the rest all option as in the picture below (position, rotation, scale). you can see the indivudual reset options underneath in the menu with the shortcuts i told before

and look at your rest pose if it make sense (maybe you changed it by accident)

now you can tweak and again select all and go to apply (the current pose as rest pose):

i’m not saying this is your issue, but it’s a good step to be sure you don’t have anything funny going on with your rest pose first

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this my rest position


and this is pose position


how do I make the cat same as the rest position into pose position.
(Yes I cleared the all transforms and its shape is in the second image by the way)

Cause that pose is keyframed now. So you need to rest and keyframe the rest pose.

Or delete the weird keyframes there. Look at the ghrap editor. Or dopesheet and what key frames you have therereset all and key it’s

I cannot keyframe the rest pose what should I do?

you need to be in pose position

and then keyframe there. even if it changes when you go in pose position you can use the option i told you before (screenshot below… that will rest your bones to rest pose in pose position mode) and keyframe that. without moving the timeline (or existing keyframes will be evaluated and the pose changes again):

but again can you share a screenshot of your dopesheet? while in pose mode and all bones selected so we can see where do you have any keyframes already. cause if you keyframe in different position you sill have more weird behavior

Here is the file.Can you check it please?

i think your issue was in the rig main properties. head and neck and tail follow.

Thanks for all the work man!

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