My modelling in Blender for MakeHuman library: humans, hair, clothes

This is nothing :slight_smile:
I’ve realized 94 targets for the body variations: fat, skinny, muscled, etc…
You can see some of them in action here:

Working on a anatomically correct height modifier.

Hey Manuel, thanks for posting and sharing your progress. But i wonder a little bit about the use case for this “modifier” or slider as it perhaps will be in MH. Please don’t understand me wrong. I can imagine some cases where one may want to use this modifier. If you have such a possibility it will be used, I’m sure. But aren’t they a bit luxury :wink:

You changed the model shape in your new models from the T-position to the position known from other 3D software. Does this give a better topology in your opinion and will it be better for animation in Blender?

The essential modifiers that characterize over the 90% of the body are (in our results)

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Muscle %
  • Fat %
  • Height
  • Weight

Playing with them the user should be able to easily set most of the body appearance.
Height is very important from this point of view.

The new mesh topology is much better, don’t matter the pose (see the image attached).
But, since we decide to use a new mesh, it was a good moment to use an improved rest pose too. Of course the current A-pose is better than T-pose in animation.

More images here:

Manuel, my post wasn’t meant as a critique. I really appreciate your work for MH as an art of its own. More than that it is scientifically founded and it is a very valuable contribution to the Blender production chain! You and your team provided us with the possibility to generate quality assured and easy to animate human meshes with just a few clicks. Once again: thanks for that. I’m sure many fellow blender artists will agree with that - while some others will “wrinkle their nose”.

I just wondered about the reference images you posted. This images show specialties of human growth. And i wonder whether this specialties could be taken as the measurement for the height sliders. Or did I misunderstood you?

Talking about animation I may ask which sort of rigging you plan to use in the new version? I always found the MH rig very useful. But in earlier versions I created some additional corrective shape keys for some “problematic” areas like shoulders and elbows etc. Do you plan to model such corrective shape keys also or do you think they are not needed with your new meshes?

Hi Minoribus, we are studying (and including) many types of rigging (see image below).
Also recently Joni-Petteri Kivistö (, joined us and he is working on a template rigging for muscle simulation (I hope it will be ready for alpha 9).

Amazing work, thanks for sharing.
Even if you don’t use MakeHuman for modelling, it is very interesting to use it to learn human proportions and topology for noobs like me.

Also recently Joni-Petteri Kivistö (, joined us and he is working on a template rigging for muscle simulation (I hope it will be ready for alpha 9).

Manuel, thanks for posting the screenshot. And a feature like the above quoted would be another awesomeness! I visited the links in your posts. Nice blender works also!

Still working on very complex artistic tasks.
They will require some weeks of hard labour,in order to produce high quality textures and models.
Using special filters, I’m extracting pores and wrinkles from HR photos, elaborating them in a 3d pipeline (that includes manual sculpting to refine low definition zones) and building an accurate high frequency map for average body skin.
In the same time, I’m working on some filters to extract skin tones and subdermal informations.
And of course, I’m modelling the objects for new makehuman 1.0alpha8 library.

oh wow !! time I upgraded again
wish I had 1/10 th of your skills
great work (yes its just a pat on the back but you deserve it )

Wonderful progress and what a valuable addition to the software!

Oh that’s amazing, sensational. I’ve always been needed it during my cg life but, at no cost???

Amazing work.

  1. You said in earlier posts that MH could dress models with clothes, is that correct?
  2. Are there good tuts around for sculpting and animating MH meshes?

Thank you guys,

No cost.
MakeHuman is completely free and open source since 2001.
Perhaps later we can add a small shop section, to fund the project, but it will just contain additional items.
In any case, the base package will be always the best quality available, and all I’m working here will be released for free.
Hyper free, since the makehuman output is CC0:

1] Yes. But currently we need to remodel the clothes library, since it doesn’t fit the new mesh of incoming release (alpha8)

2] Sculpting…no. The mesh is optimized for subdivision and sculpting, so there is no particular need of specific knowledge. It’s a normal sculpting. About animation:

And now a couple of updates:

A) Working on molars

C) Special face map (similar to cavity):

Very nice work for improving Makehuman soft

are these latest improvmetns already available on the current SVN
or will it be added soon?

I remrember in the older SVN 2 years ago there was still a problem after importing model in blender
i found a lot of separated verts all around
has this been corrected yet ?

and i vaguely remember that there was supposed to be another version to make small animals
(like car or dog ect ) is this still an objective or i’m dreaming ?

with mesh topo cleanup and this morphing effect it is very nice work indeed

Would be nice if you could add the link to Makehuman site for downloading latest SVN in first post may be!

nice work
thank you very much

Looking forward to the next release!

We can’t store the textures in svn, due their big size. We will use a different public repository for them and they will be automatically included in the nightly builds (
But I’ve first to finish them :slight_smile:
Of course bugs are fixed…

Todays’ updates:
I’m writing a Gimp filter to remove highlights from photos and extract the main skin tone, as preprocessing to create perfect skin textures.
Some quick results:

I gotta say, that playing the role of tester for this project has been a blast so far. Currently I’m using MakeHuman Alpha 7 on my Windoze box to generate people for my scenes but am definitely looking forward to using 8.

Was just playing with alpha 8 during my lunch hour and almost created a duplicate of a (not sure this is a politically correct term) midget that I saw on TV. (Don’t know her name, part of the Pit Boss TV series on Animal Planet) just to push the limits.

Going to give her hair (red hair) and post her to the gallery on the MH forum.

I’ll work with the new mesh hopefully tonight when I get some time in front of my laptop again.

I wish there was a way to make these into “toon” characters. I don’t know how to explain it - think of the current character on the Blender startup screen. Very smooth features, minimalistic design. I use MH because it can create the base model and rig it, quickly, and then I’m editing the character in Blender. Unfortunately, the rigs are really picky when you start to move parts around to reflect your cartoonish version.

Also - I’m working on Mac. I’m not seeing some of the updates you’ve done. I understand if Mac is the afterthought, but, dang.