It’s finished! Version 6 is finished!
I feel that I got very, very far with this version. The goal was to make a rig that could be posed and animated properly, with joints working right and everything looking right. Not realistic, just… right.
There are still many things that need improvement, even to do really proper poses, but they are now far minor, most of them falling into the category of “details”. The face is still unrealistic, but the body and most of the limbs look far, far better:
This was a great learning experience, and while I had more things I wanted to implement, I am okay with leaving the more elaborate work for version 7. I’ll let you all know when I get started on that, but for now, I think I should learn a little more about the human body. Might come in handy, after all!
For reference, here is version 5 when animated beyond very simple motion:
Yeah… We got a bit farther on this one…