Human animation model, reset, Generation 1

Now that my Great Reset is behind me, it’s time to get back into the swing of things. I am going to be doing work on my movie support scripting stuff, but nobody wants to look at that, so I am also resetting the human model work from my previous threads. Rather than continue from gen 5, 6 and unfinished 7, I am going back to scratch. A new dawn, a new Gen1, and a new first and very unimpressive image. I am just getting started, after all…


Ahhhh, what would life be without nightmare fuel! To those new to my madness, I am designing the human body with actual skeletal parts in order to assess how motion becomes more natural, and how the skin will eventually be fitted around the form.
The spine is taking form. Not rigged yet, though, so have a T-pose on the house:


The spine is now controllable, even if it is a clumsy control system. Better controls → Gen2. For now, once I get a ribcage and pelvic bone done, the first muscles will start to attach around the abdomen and possibly chest. Yes, this time we do muscles before the skeleton is even done, babeii!!

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Dude is ribbed. Literally.

Not entirely satisfied with it, but I think it needs more details before I can see why that is…

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I… I am sorry. I think? Is this SFW?! What have I created??


lol… it’s taking a life of it’s own now :smiley:

i think there’s a couple too many vertebrae between the ribs and pelvis, making the pelvis too low in the body.

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A sinister, foreboding life…

Anyway, the number of vertebrae is anatomically correct, but you’re right that something is off. I think it is the size. Also, lower unjoined ribs are missing, so I need to see it with those in place. But yeah, ribs to pelvis looks wrong!

The ribs and pelvis look small to me, like there’s too much room between them and the fleshy outside.

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Oh, yes, the fleshy outside is a quick sketch. It will peel away (gawd, I feel disgusted writing that) as the skeleton gets built, and new actual muscle structures and eventually a new flesh will be built around it. I just need something to see where I’m going.

And yes, there is a size problem with the ribs/pelvis. I don’t have enough of an eye to see how to do it right yet, though, and my references are not exact or detailed enough. I hope to make it better as it gets along!

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The ribs/pelvis size issue drove me nuts, had to do something. I swear, disco is dead. Dead! DEAD I TELL YOU!!


Great to see you and your sense of humour are back in the game…

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Awww, I missed you, too, I was waiting for you to comment!
The humor is still a bit darker around the edges, with the things that have been going on, but even the snake that sheds its skin is still the same snake underneath, I guess…

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I am NOT satisfied with today’s results, but the damned stomach is giving me too many problems. The character stomach, that is, I’m working properly. But clearly, the poor fellow has back prolems, so I’ll lay off it. For now…


Slight improvement through some fake muscle volume. His back still hurts, though…

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why does he have a tongue coming out of his ribcage… is this an Alien Redux? >grinning<

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Every joke answer I think of is too nasty for me to write…

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Is he missing a zip?

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A zip?? Not sure I understand…

Huh. Seems if I combine two methods that gave bad results, I get better results. Two wrongs DO make a right!

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Zipper in american english?

Like on a coat, to do himself up with…

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