My P-40 WIP :(

Here’s the first page.

I wonder if 3DGamer would be kind enough to proof read it ?

I think your first page is a very good explanation of the basic technique, and the little “how it works” is very nice. It seems a bit oriented toward newbies (split screen step), but that’s good. Since it’s well layed out, you can easily skip the parts that you know.

All in all, a good job with a nice touch of humour (always needed)


Ditto to what theeth said. Very well done tute! The only thing you forgot was expalining how the UVmapped texture actually gets applied in the materials window, (i.e. TexFace or UV for mapping).

Waiting for more.


Thanks to both of you.
BgDM, you’re right and I’ve corrected that now.
Martin, I try not to forget the near-total newbie (that I was five moths ago after all) but I’ve made the most fundamental explanations mid-gray so they could more easily skipped over by the more experienced. This way I dont have to resort to javascript pop ups and my pages should be compatible whith every browsers that are in use.
I’ve added a page that illustrate further the nature of uvmapping. Mostly, I’ve tighten up the language, added a few detail steps and corrected many typos.
Here’s the index to the english version :