My packing experiment looks like a fingertip

It is so hard to get good packing in blender, For this I used geometry nodes, array modifier, a script and cloth simulation, and it was hell to get results I wanted.


Lovely! Nice light and colors! :star_struck:

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Pretty cool ! Congrats !!
Could you tell us a bit more about the process ? Some kind of little breakdown that explains the overall idea, maybe without going into all the details…

It’s hard to tell how array modifier or a script could be involved in the process…
And about the actual packing , is that the work of the cloth sim or you managed to make a 3D packing with geo nodes ?

Anyway, that’s pretty inspiring already !

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Il try to explain, haha unfortunately it is not a packing algorithm it is just a simulation.

to get around intersections with cubes and to get maximum packing I needed a way to spawn cubes, add them without intersections, when I used geonodes to add cubes, cloth simulation would reset with every change soo I found out (trough fiddling) that array modifier can add cubes to cloth simulation without reseting it, but only if you do it manually, if keyframed it resets the simulation. Soo thats the reason for the script… it simualtes me clicking array count every N frame. After that simple cloth physics with self collision.

and thanks man!

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hahaha coool ! these hacks are pretty funny ! Well done that’s quite a great creative problem solving skill you’ve got !

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I love hacks like that! I found that array trick just because we needed some flyers to spawn out of the box for some scene, I making stack of papers and fiddling with array modifier while my cloth sim was running. Happy accident.

Just too much blendering

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Satisfying process to watch! and satisfying result to look at — good job!

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