December 7, 2015, 3:38pm
Hi there.
Just wanted to show my Poker cards. Whishing to get some advice from you, Used an array and empty to create the some of the renders, sitll was looking for some ramdoness in the positions in the cards using an array modifier and also to have the cards spreaded over the felt naturally but could not find away.
I will appreciate any comment about them.
December 11, 2015, 6:13am
Use a light from left side make the render less flat…Looks like all Your light go top down…Not good
For randomness
Select all the cards - Press spacebar - select - search - Type rand - select - Randomixe Transform.
It open Randomize Transform - in bottom of the T - Panel.
If Your cards are 1 object You need to separate it…Go edit mode - card selected - Press - P - select -
by loose part.
December 11, 2015, 8:32am
Use a light from left side make the render less flat…Looks like all Your light go top down…Not good
For randomness
Select all the cards - Press spacebar - select - search - Type rand - select - Randomixe Transform.
It open Randomize Transform - in bottom of the T - Panel.
If Your cards are 1 object You need to separate it…Go edit mode - card selected - Press - P - select -
by loose part.
Thank you Tai:yes:
The randomize transform is exactly what I was looking for, started fiddling with it just after I read your message.
Thank you very much