My render is stuck at 0 samples?

I have been working on a nature scene using geometry nodes. after rendering at lower samples I tried getting using view layers and then rendering the project. Since then it has stopped working and always is getting stuck at 0 samples.

the link for the file has also been added

It can be rendered.
The rendering proceeds and the CPU remains at 100%.
However, if Simply is enough to consume 23gb of RAM for a minimal option, I can’t predict if the rendering will end yesterday.

so i should keep it the render on as long as possible?

You might try this… because very few people will download ~1.4GB to just have a look at it… :person_shrugging: … i mean… it’s big… so it also might just take some time…

How long did you tried anyway?

I don’t know…
I don’t know how much time it will take to render.

What I tried to do was keep everything to a minimum, but it consumes 23gb of RAM. What’s clear is that the entire process needed to render went through, started rendering, and was maintained.


If you reduce the tile size of the rendering setting to about 32, you will get approximate rendering time.
When one tile of size 32 is completed, the approximate total rendering time is displayed.

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i reduced it to 256 and it rendered , the render time was approximately 94 hours thanks for your input , now i need to find ways to increse the speed of the render

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before i kept it on for atleast 2 hours

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I don’t know what the configuration is, so I don’t know what ideas I have.
One possibility is that there is a way to remove outside the camera area.

This method is required when placing a large number of objects.

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