My rig rendered looks blurry (cycles)

when i render my rig, it has this weird blurry affect, does anyone know how to fix this?
here is the rig: character rigging V2.blend (1006.9 KB)

Your file did not include textures or a camera. My guess would be that a relatively low resolution texture might the source of the blurriness you see. Or a too-low sample count (the file has Cycles samples at 20) has a lot of noise which could seem blurry. Lastly, if depth of field is used on the camera, it may need adjusting.

ill test that right now

i put the samples at 100, still blurry.
here is the texture i’m using:
Purple Guy

i tried the sampling again at 1000, still blurry, and i don’t think it would be the texture

i have another rig (not ,mine), and it used the same textures and sampling and is not blurry.

I downloaded the image you provided (64x64 pixels) and up-scaled it to 2048x2048. Because it is pixel art, it scaled well. I rendered the following from your file (after adding a camera and increasing the environment light) by substituting the higher res texture. (2048 might be more than is needed for your application.)

did you do anything else besides adding a camera and increasing the environment light?
i think i’m still a little confused on what you did.

I used a higher resolution texture. The one you included above is only 64 by 64 pixels (a thumbnail of the actual texture used in the other rig you mentioned?) I opened this 64x64 pixel image in Photoshop, and scaled it to 2048 by 2048 pixels. I then substituted this texture in the material in your scene. A 512x512 or 1024x1024 image might be sufficient, but 64x64 does not have enough detail for rendering. (The camera and lighting have no effect on the blurriness, I just noted them as changes I made.)

Here’s the 2k texture:

well, i don’t have any type of Photoshop, the other rig works well with the 64 by 64, here is the rig
Black Plasma Rig v2.blend (2.5 MB)

just used your texture. it has no blurry-ness. it worked, but i have some problems with it:

  1. it takes longer to render
  2. these are minecraft skins. and the rig should be able to handle any random minecraft skin
  3. i don’t have a Photoshop (as i said in my last comment)

do you have any idea on how the other rig does it?

(sorry for the wall of text that follows)

First, I now understand that a larger texture is not what you want. I used your texture in the other blender scene and it did work as expected.

I will note that your UVs do not match the UV layout in the Black Plasma Rig. The color blocks in the BP rig line up exactly with the UV layout. This may be the issue - so instead of a UV section being all blue or all yellow, the edge has a different color which is being interpolated thus giving the blurry effect. (Ill test this theory out later.)

This other file (Black Plasma Rig V2.blend) is much more complex than what you initially uploaded. It has all kinds of drivers affecting the various objects from selectability to rendering. There are also duplicate objects set to transparent, and I have no idea how all this works together (given the time I’ve inspected it).

Are you just making skins? If so, test them in BP rig and model. If they work, distribute them (perhaps noting the rig and model you tested it on). Are you making your own animations? Use the BP rig (there appears to be no licensing issues with doing that, but I’m no lawyer). Are you making your own, simpler rig? That is a separate conversation, but should not affect the texturing.

Other notes:
Yes, larger texture sizes will make for longer renders. But again, you do not need anything larger than 64x64.

I am using Blender 2.8, but suspect this BP rig file was for 2.79. I opened it in 2.79 also, and the result were the same, but that may not always be the case so you should indicate what version you are using.

Photoshop: I bought the last version before Adobe went the subscription route (7 or 8 years ago) and do not endorse their products. GIMP or Krita are excellent alternatives, and are also open source and free to use.

here is another rig, its more simple, and accompkishes the same thing:
Zamination_Rig_V4.blend (2.7 MB)

i have these two rigs, but i want to make my own original rig, one i can expand off of and is made by me, i want to accomplish making a working rig, also, its because the zamination rig has a much better head layout then the black plasma. but still, the point it s that i want to make my own rig.

i am using 2.79, and it was for 2.79, you are correct

Oops - worked in viewport, but not Cycles render.

I found the issue - it has to do with a thing I learned from using Unreal Engine: mipmaps

I can’t explain what they are, but if you go to user preferences (v2.79) and uncheck mipmaps your problem will be solved:

mipmaping is used in video game for smooth transition in between closeup high resolution texture ,from far away low resolution texture. by blurring them in between two resolutions transition. To be simple

i remember that is what mipmaps does, i though i had them off, i’ll double check

it was off, maybe when you transferred the file from 2.79 (mine) to 2.8 (yours), it reset the settings, because mine is off