Hey Guys!!! I need some help!
I’ve made an Animated model in Blender and in the process of exporting to fbx I am having trouble.
I always have exported to fbx a lot of models and never got problems with it, but now I dont even know what its going on.
Let me explain this…
I Select my mesh and armature, and choose export to fbx[Image1]. I set the exporting configuration of image 2 (Always used these configuration without problems to animated models). But for some reason, the FBX file ONLY WORKS IN BLENDER![Im not using nothing that is exclusive of blender… It’s an simple rigg without python scripts or etc] In this case i need it working out of blender too[Customer uses Cinema4d], like Cinema4d and Unity, and I’ve tried Maya and Max to import it too but only blender can import without problems. It seems that bones got an extra rotation maybe?[image 3]. I’ve tried a lot of different configurations when exporting but nothing changes…
Do you have any unapplied rotations or scales on either Armature in Object Mode or mesh?
Cheers, Clock.