My rigged object doesn't move


My first time rigging, the model I’m working on is a downloaded cow.

The rigging doesn’t seem to do anything to the model, tho.

I can’t upload it, I’m a noob, so here’s a gdrive:

The cow model has many duplicated verts so parent to armature fails with an error “bone heat weighting failed to find a solution for 1 or more bones”

To fix select the cow in object mode, go to edit mode, select all (A key) and then merge by distance (M key and select - by distance).

Go back to object mode and you can now parent to the armature with automatic weights. (select the cow, then armature, Ctrl P “with automatic weights”) now when you pose the bones in pose mode it should work fine.


I am not seeing that error. Where should I be looking?

Anyway, that worked great, thanks!

If I could ask another question, it’d be: how do I switch off the reflection on the spaceship’s dome?

It’s reflecting trees and stuff, that are not in the scene.

The error should pop up at the bottom right when you try to parent the cow to the armature. It only pops up for a few seconds so it is easy to miss.

Those reflections come from the default HDRI that is lighting your viewport screen.
To use your world and lighting in viewport view tick these 2 checkboxes in the viewport dropdown, they will get rid of the HDRI and use your scene world and lighting settings.

Bottom right not left!

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Cheers man!

If I just knew how to get lights to work properly (need a light cone that’s “dusty”) between objects made in both Eevee and Cycles.

I think I’m gonna post another question, if I don’t figure it out.

Search for ‘god rays’ tutorials. That is the phrase everyone uses for visible light beams.

I did, @Matakani, I’m getting there. Had to rebuild everything, but getting there. Now, if only had a decent PC :drooling_face: Rendering takes forever ;(

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I know. A $10,000+ computer would be wonderful.
Have you optimized the scene? If the camera is not moving then you can render the background once (one frame) and use the compositor to add it behind the entire length of the animated part of the scene. Search for optimizing tutorials.

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Optimising tutorials. Got it. Thanks!